Only You [35]

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The door to his study slowly creaked open, the weights of nervousness weighed heavily on Kencho's shoulder's and sweat raced down his forehead like rain droplets. He felt awfully sweaty and his clothes clung to his skin, he felt extremely hot despite his house being as cold as a freezer, due to the vast space and countless rooms.

Kencho entered his father's study, it was strange to see his father simply watching the vast expanse of trees below the Saikou Corp headquarters. He was normally bombarded with paperwork or in a meeting so seeing him unoccupied, truly unsettled him a bit. He felt small in his father's presence and even tinier in his shadow, all he ever dreamt of was one day managing to be just like his father.

He even started dressing like him, just so he could imagine being in his position and he knows he's asking for too much at this point but he just wants his father to be proud of him. He tries living up to his expectations the best he can but the 'best' is not perfect.

Megamo is perfect.

He has been trained to possess all the qualities of a perfect leader, to prepare him for the day when he will inherit his father's company. It doesn't help that he is some certified genius, has extensive self-defense training and has excelled at everything he has ever attempted to do in his entire life.

He would never admit it openly, but he heard people saying, he's the most handsome boy in school, the most popular, and of course student council president. He's stepped out of his way to get security cameras, hiring security guards, and instating a zero-tolerance policy for suspicious behavior at Akademi.

Megamo was trained to live life as if it was some huge play, reading off a script, while remaining as cold and distant as possible. But, Y/n has somehow melted down the wall Megamo used to separate himself from others. She's made him act less like a robot and more like a human. Before, the only emotion Megamo showed was hatred of annoyance, when he got under Megamo's skin and make he lose he temper. Now, emotion comes naturally to him.

And, no matter how many times Kencho competes with him, he always surpasses him and it's demeaning, father knows how much he hates him.

He wishes Megamo was dead.

Why can't some terrible misfortune befall him so that his life can have a purpose?

"Father, I believe it is important for me to discuss Megamo's and Y/n's 'relationship', it is beginning to spiral out of hand." Kencho begins, stepping further into his study that resembles a museum or an antique shop. He is immediately met with his father's back as his father was looking out the window, never once making eye contact with him.

"I told you strictly, not to interfere with Megamo, I'm aware of your rivalry with your brother and I have no time for childishness nor does this company. Your purpose is to be a back up in case Megamo fails, nothing else. Your purpose is not to be my watch dog" He stated blandly, without an ounce of emotion, "Do you understand?" He questioned, it sounded like a rhetorical but in a panic Kencho answered anyways.

"I understand but-"

Mr Saikou raised his palm to silence him, Kencho has never done this before, going against his father's orders but he has to, or else he'll never get another opportunity like this again. "He's developing feelings for Y/n." Kencho says, in desperation, he gasps in shock when his father turns to face him.

His father has barely given him a glance, better yet a full blown stare. His face remains unfazed, an expressionless face as he looks down at Kencho.

"And from what source did you get this information from?" Mr Saikou quieres, etching closer with one intimidating step at a time, till he was atleast five steps in front of Kencho. Kencho felt as if he was melting, he wanted to melt and become one with the fibres on the carpet to spare him the embarrassment.

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