Ayato is the A in Manipulative [17]

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He got rid of each of his rivals as if it was some sick and twisted game. He'd have to overcome different obstacles and stages to get to his true prize, Y/n.

He had been so foolish to think Taeko was his, when it was her all along, his shrine was back up and it was fuller than ever. Being her friend had perks of its own, getting almost anything she owned. He loved to hold every item he stole from her before he started his day.

Like the crown jewel of his collection, her sacred undergarments and the picture he managed to get off her posing, showing off her beauty. He would say another one of his favorites is some hair he found, when he pulled it from her drain from the shower. He made sure to blowdry the hair, comb it and hold it close to him since it came from her body...His mother was right, Taeko was a stepping stone he had to walk over, to get towards his true love.

Last night, he dreamed of the cherry tree again and the figure he so desperately wanted to see revealed it's self, did. He saw Y/n walking from behind the tree, over to him. With that smile she always has on her face, she was shocked at the love letter he nervously handed to her but she lunged at him, pushing him down onto the blades of green grass, "Yes, Ayato, I would love to date you." Y/n would smile, they both sat in the grass and Ayato pulled her into his arms.

She even awoke a new emotion in him, annoyance. Annoyance because he woke up from that dream, but it would become a reality soon he just knew it. He even had a bandaid she used with some of her delicious blood on it!

He has a lot of her bandaids.

Since she falls, a lot.

He couldn't help but blush as he inhale the musk of her period pad, that he had recently stole from her- it was fresh as well! He borrowed her knickers as well, the scent was enough to drive him over the edge, sniffing her musk in so it went to his lungs made all the difference in the world. He held a soft piece of her hair close to his heart and then brought it to his nose to intake coconut shampoo she used. He remembered her coming home late and going to the shower, he managed to catch a glimpse of the product she was using.

He started using the coconut shampoo.

She likes a certain food, he enjoys trying meals that he has seen her eating because it makes him feel closer to her.

She loves to listen to music and sometimes she'd put an air bud in his ear to let him listen, so he started listening to the music she liked aswell.

Times like that when he could listen and learn about her without having to say a word, and simply enjoy her warm prescense that made him blush.

Even some of the plushies she won at an arcade he managed to get, so it felt as if she was living with him, even the food she bought regularly he bought as well.

He's just so sorry that he wasted so much time on Taeko, but it wasn't a total waste, now he knows who she hangs out with especially, that occult club skank.

So many, people are trying to take what's his.

Oko Ruto.

His new burden, he stares at the pictures he managed to snap of him and Y/n, entering the club room. Oko isn't so innocent, he might be timid and meek but really he's a stalker.

He has seen him following Y/n, looking around corners, watching her walk away and he does the same with the Basu sister's. Such a shame, their little friendship was coming to end...And Kokona was on his list as well.

Y/n walked quicker whenever she saw him, refused to look his way and he's positive she blocked him, why? Because of Kokona.

He knows a lot about Kokona.

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