User Unknown [4]

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The photography club at the end of a busy day, especially on Fridays was great.

Being surrounded by people who shared the same interests as her, enjoying the simpler things in life and some relaxation was more than she could ask for.

Her sister and her would never see eye to eye on things like this, her sister liked flashy, lavish and luxurious stuff like: handbags, outfits and the latest phones. Of course Y/n likes things like that as well but she's not as superficial and materialistic as her sister.

She and her sister, were two sides of the same coin. The only thing they shared was one last name.

They were both brought up differently as well.

Y/n was often locked in her room, left a crying mess, with snot running down her nose, with knuckles with skin chipped off due to her pounding the wooden door over and over.

Her father had been lost without her mother and he felt Musume was a memory that needed to be preserved and cherished.

Y/n had never heard the words 'I love you' before, not even from her own father, maybe that's why she lashed out and spat harshly toxic words out like Musume did.

She hated being alone, she considered it the worst thing in the world.

Things changed when she met that purple headed girl.


A sweet girl that taught her how to care, something Y/n's father was firmly against as his business profited of exploiting the poor and innocent.

She'd known Kokona for ages, and soon Saki came along as well.

Sometimes, Y/n thought, maybe she wouldn't have had to wait for Kokona to be the first nice person in her life if her father was there for her in the beginning.

It was a burning feeling, being unwanted and being trapped in a bubble.

How she sees it is, being unwanted is when you and the person you desperately wished cared for you in they cared for anyone but you and you were both separated by a gap.

The gap isn't deep, it isn't impossible for one person on the other side to jump over to reach you ; the gap was a simple thin line in the earth.

A gap that could be easily reached over to get to you, but they wouldn't, simply because it was you on the other side.

She wished things could be different.

He loved Musume.


Simply, because she was not Y/n.

Simply, because Y/n could only wish that she was like Musume.

Y/n use to, when she was younger, it was adoration for her older sister that turned to hatred.

She's just thankful that Kokona and Saki cared about her.

They changed her.

People really do help molding you into the person you'll become.

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