Mother knows Best [14]

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Once Ayato had returned home after the 'incident', he decided to call his mother, after he had slumped onto his couch. Her voice shot through the phone, "Sweetheart! I haven't heard from you in so long, but you do know me and your father have been very busy!" His mother spoke in a cheery tone, she awes definitely staring at his father.

"Hello, mother, I believe I have found a girlfriend." He replied blandly, not even too sure about what he was even saying.

"Ah! What fantastic news, I knew my baby boy would find a special someone! Just like I did, with my precious darling!" His mother giggled, and he could hear his father's footsteps definitely trying to evade her hug, "Oh, darling, don't be like that..."

"S-Sorry sweetie." He stutters, Ayato can hear a mwah on the other end and he rolls his eyes and finally decides to speak up, "But, there is this other girl, who makes me feel warm, makes me feel something... And I can't imagine her being with anyone else but I thought I had already found the one." Ayato speaks, he flushes pink, as he stares at the picture he took of her in the gym.

"Well, sweetie, love is a mystery! Let your heart lead and it will always know what it truly wants, like I wanted Jokichi! And now...He's all mine! That first girl was probably just a stepping stone, someone you need to walk over to see the person, who was yours to begin with!" She exclaimed, he can tell she was staring into his father's soul, with each word she spoke.

"What does she look like sweetheart?" His mother asks, with curiosity in her voice. "She has the most beautiful h/c, her eyes are so captivating, she makes my heart beat whenever she's around and she has the brightest smile... I always get this feeling off belonging when I'm with her. I've seen how people treat her because her father is from some powerful loan agency. Her father is a terrible man and her sister is just as horrible, I wish she could see that I can protect her and give her a better life." He answers.

"Sweetheart, you can protect her! You're just like me, sweetie. When I was at school and my darling, was just simply so confused thinking he loved those girl's and really they were trying to seduce him! Thankfully, I stopped them and proved that he was mine all along. Every moment me and Jokichi had together is engraved in my brain... I remember when we had are first date, our first kiss, our first..." Ryoba spoke, with a dark suggesting tone, which switched to a happy one at the end, "I, don't want to hear about all of that, mother." Ayato interrupts, not interested in hearing what she was about to say. The phone's sound went muffled since she was probably passing it to his father.

"Son, I'm sure that if you fell in love a second time, your heart probably wasn't in the right place anyways. I'd say go for the second girl. And just you know... Confess? Love her knowing she loves you back just as much..." He mutters, not speaking as loud so Ryoba didn't hear properly. "What did you say... Darling?" Ryoba wraps her arms around his neck. "N-Nothing dear... Just talking about school." Jokichi stutters, he gulps and Ryoba begins patterning is face with kisses. "I don't want to hear that through the phone." He cuts in.

"Sweetheart, soon this will be you and Y/n and you two will have children or one..." She giggles, twirling Jokichi's hair between his fingers. She nestled herself in his lap and forces him to hold her up, "You're such a charmer, Jokichi!"

"Mother, the hairdresser woman told me to tell you hi." He says.

"Me and her go a long way back! Back in the days when I went to Akademi high, I love an occasional blast to the past! I wonder how the headmaster is doing. " Ryoba replies, Jokichi finally decides to speak up.

"I've also seen on the news, those incidents at your school with someone going missing...and getting crushed. I really wished things like that wouldn't happen... Again." Jokichi sighs, sounding defeated and tired as if he wanted to say something more but decided to withhold the information, "Ayato, just remember you can always get someone to love you the...Right way."

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