What I'd do for You [3]

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It was a Sunday, a lazy, serene day—a day to rest and recharge. But for him, it was anything but. He had captured her on camera, freezing her image in time, so that he could stare at it and adore it forever.
The intensity of his gaze could not be contained as he gazed upon the beauty that was captured before him. Her face, with its delicate curves and exquisite features, was a treasure to behold, and he couldn't help but drink in every detail of her appearance. It was a truly sublime picture that forever seared itself into his memory.

His mind swirled with thoughts of possession and control, for he knew that she was his, and his alone. With every inch of his being, he craved for her to be his, to possess her heart and soul, to be the object of her desire, to own her completely.

His calloused hands had a mind of their own, as they traced the outlines of her face. It was as if his movements were carefully orchestrated, he did so with a delicate precision, admiring how he managed to capture her every bit of beauty in a single moment of time. His heart thudded in his chest, like a drum, as he couldn't't help but blush at her beauty, his Senpai truly was worthy of being the subject of his photo, his

He felt as though he was being consumed from the inside, purely by the thought of her. She was his entire world, he couldn't help but orbit around her from a distance, she was the sun, a sight to behold, she was the epitome of perfection. He felt as though he needed nothing else in the world but her.

The thought of losing her filled him with a sense of panic, an almost primal instinct to protect her, to keep her by his side, always. He ached for her, for every little detail of her being, and he knew he would do anything, anything at all, to have her. The thought of her being with someone else made him so jealous, so possessive, it was almost painful. His obsession grew, like a cancerous tumor spreading throughout his being, consuming everything in its path.

He found himself wanting to possess her, to be in control of everything about her. His thoughts swirled in his mind, taking him to a place of dark forbidden desires, where she belonged only to him.

He stepped away from his work, a portrait of her, and surveyed the red string that adorned his wooden corkboard. A tangled web of red, connecting countless pictures, all pointing to her. It was an enigmatic sight, and to an outsider, it looked the work of a crazed mind, like a spider's web with its red, thick strands stretching out in every direction. In the center of it all, her soft face stood out like a shining sunrise, a heart had been drawn over her, and then drawn over again and again till it seemed that the pen he used had died.

His pale skin blushed slightly, staring down at his hands and picturing her soft hands in his. He remembered that day when she helped him up ; he never wanted to wash that hand again...

A ghostly smile fell over his face once he lifted his head to look at his shrine, of his love, his life ; the one who would save him from a life of misery. Just has his father saved his mother from hers.

He stepped closer to his shrine, it is in the shape of a Butsudan, then his hands went around his neck to pull his necklace over his head. It had been tucked neatly under his shirt till it was unnoticeable. He wanted to keep his Senpai close to his heart at all times, as she was the key to his heart and the one who would unlock it, click.

He gently pulled the door open to reveal various objects once used by his Senpai and at the top, his hands brushed over her picture with her book in hand. Then he trailed lower down to an apple that filled a corner in his shrine.

This is an apple that Senpai was eating!

Licking the teeth marks is so much fun!

It was also his favorite pastime; to follow her, like a shadow, waiting for her to drop something that he could keep, something that was once hers.

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