Sinking Hope [22]

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The days go by painfully slow and Aso has managed to wiggle his way into Y/n's heart, she has started to look less tired and the bags under her eyes have almost vanished. That twinkle she had in her eyes when Ayato had met her had began to appear once more.

She's is still very tense but she's been with her friends and him a lot.

He saw just the two of them hanging out around the school and how he was so straightforward with his words, "You know me and you could date, and we could both become athletes. Imagine that, us both becoming famous and it being you and me, what do you say?" Aso smirks up at her, looking up at her while he was in the pool and she was on the edge.

"I mean, I'm not really good at sports and I don't know you that well to be willing to become an athlete with you, sorry." Y/n replies and Aso nods.

"That's fine, you'll find out I'm very patient so trust me I'll get to know you and you'll get to know me." Aso smiles and Y/n returns it.

Ayato stared daggers at him from afar, Y/n belongs to him.

Ayato has also learnt his routine, it consists of hanging around a huge group off people, Y/n, her friends and the people in his club. He's shoulder to shoulder with Y/n, laughing and putting his arm around her shoulder.

Withstanding the urge, to plunge a knife into his throat has been killing him. There have been numerous situations were they were face to face and he could of killed him. He had his knife in hand and he was exiting the supply closet, he assumed no one was around till Aso bumped into him.

"Why are you caring a weapon around? Your not apart of the cooking club... Wasn't the whole club shut down after Amao disappeared?" Aso asked staring at the sliver blade, that fitted so neatly in his hands.

"It's a box cutter...I was going to place it back where it belonged." Ayato answered, it was clearly a lie and he made it even more obvious by hiding it behind his back, Aso raised his eyebrow but nodded and walked off.

He wished he just killed him that day.

It reminded him of Amao, when he mindlessly followed him into his house, falling right into his trap. Therefore, he payed the price for that. Kizano did as well, only some people who didn't hate him found it crushing, that he died in such a way.

Osana got off lucky, because he had something ten times worse planned, he should of let her suffer.

Aso comes to school extra early, swimming back and forth to practice for the first tornament of the day. The sports festival doesn't happen often, that's what he's heard but Aso is finally back and because of these killings. It's only purpose is to serve as a distraction.

He knows Y/n knows that, yet she still decides to remain oblivious. She's even made a poster with the letters of Aso's name and Kokona, saki and her have been planning on holding it while he swims.

That's definitely not happening.

He decided to make a truce with Aso, apologizing for the other day and asked if he could walk with him to school, on the day of his tournament. This saves him the trouble of having to manually sneak into school.

They are both in the boy's locker room and all it reminds Ayato of is the time he snuck into the girl's locker room just to catch a glimpse of Y/n.

Ayato just stood in a corner scrolling through his phone looking of pictures he managed to snap of Y/n, till he interrupted him.

"C'mon man, join me, I like to challenge someone before my tournaments." Aso beams, looking in Ayato's direction, he somehow resisted the urge to scoff.

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