Drowning in Anticipation [21]

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Y/n had caught Ayato dragging Saki's dead body, he dropped her when he noticed she had saw. Y/n's eyes landed on Saki, her eyes were forced to stare unblinking at the clear blue sky, her head lolled to the left. She stared from the corpse to Ayato and for once there was fear in his eyes.

"No...Y/n...Wait."He could barely form a sentence and then something just snapped.

The sound of glass cracking made her breath hitch.

She heard eight cracks.

Other students were slowed-down and everything seemed to permanently freeze in place.

His eyes were pools a grey with not a single spark inside, it made goosebumps form all over her skin like a dominion effect. His face showed no emotion, she couldn't even describe what she was seeing. He gave her an empty look that will forever haunt her dreams, he looked as if he had lost all meaning in life.

Suddenly, a colored bright red and black spread as far as her eyes could reach, covering the floor, walls, ceiling, even the sky and everyone in Akademi.

She was a statue, her body couldn't move an inch and all she could do was watch as Ayato brutally killed anyone with his bare hands, who were unfortunate enough to cross his path.

"Find a knife." He mumbled in a distorted voice, over and over again till the words replayed in her head.

He appears in her line of sight again, with blood staining his shirt and face, she noticed the knife in his hand and the way he changed, "Kill her, Kill her." Ayato whispered, it eent shivers throughout her still body. Her heart raced and soon she realized how powerless she was, in comparison to him.

As soon as he was in range, his bloody wet hand reached her cheek with his knife in the other, "If I can't have you, no one can." Ayato spoke, plunging the blade deep into her skin, piercing her heart. He immediately ripped it back out and Y/n struggled to hold the blood that spilled out of her wound.

She stared at him, wide eyed, in absolute disbelief.

At some point he was her friend, but fate decided it had to be him or her, no in-between.

She stumbled side to side wishing she had the strength to spill out the millions of things she wanted to say. She collapsed, and her vision went blurry, shortly after Ayato fell beside her, with blood gushing out of his neck.

Their finger tips brushed against one another, she would say this was romantic if she wasn't just stabbed by him and he didn't kill himself after.

She woke up holding her chest, where the stab would of been, but her curtains flap about from the wind entering her room, from a wide open window.

These dreams were getting way to realistic, how long did she have till they became a reality?

That was close, Y/n almost saw him.

Watching Y/n was getting harder and harder as she was progressively waking up quicker than usual.

He managed to get home and he slumped in his bed, pulling the picture of Y/n stuck onto her favorite plushie closer, his finger mindlessly making circles on the plushie's chest, imaging she was beside him.

Everything was ruined.

He thought he fixed things with her but no Kokona messes things up yet again, he wants her to die so badly, she causes problems for him at every turn. He can feel his eye twitching and his sanity depleting, shadowed figures show him killing Kokona off with different methods, over and over and over again.

He felt so cold without Y/n, Kokona wouldn't be able to comprehend how much he needs Y/n.

She is his life. His key. The one who will save him from dull empty existence he's been so use to, for all these years.

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