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John b, Sarah cleo and pope talked about the code while jj tried to explain to me why I shouldn't threaten cleo.

"Get yourself together, ok?" He whispered, pulling me closer with his hands so he could speak into my ear.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her, jj. I just need to know why she's lying to us," I replied, confused

We soon joined the others. Veronica's scared  eyes were fixed on jj. When jj noticed, he clenched his jaw and took a step back.

"Got the code?" I asked, and cleo shook her head. I rolled my eyes, annoyed
"Let's just leave - we won't be able to open the save,"  I said, and they disagreed

"Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Jj asked, interrupting us. We turned to him confused, and then we realized he's talking to Veronica.

"Don't be so mad." Veronica said, but jjs eyes got darker, and he tensed up pretty quickly.

"Dude.." Pope whispered, stepping in front of him."Not here, ok?" He added, and jj clenched his jaw once again.

"I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" Veronica continued, and everyone turned to her

"The only thing I've done wrong was not listening to Luke when he said I should've brought you to abortion." she didn't stop, and I've had enough.

"Shut your mouth." I said clearly and loud enough for her to hear that.

"Kiara -" Pope whispered

"And you." Veronica looked at Sarah
"Be honest, sarah baby -" she stopped, looking at her. "Would you choose jj over your mother?" 

"What?" Sarah asked, confused and speechless."Why would I ever need to do that?" 

"Cause -" she started and pointed a gun at me, and immediately jj pulled out his gun to point  back at her.

"I'm asking for it." Veronica continued, looking  back at Sarah and pointing the gun at jj now.

"Mom -" Sarah replied
"What are you doing?" She asked

"Answer my question, Sarah." Veronica's finger went to the trigger.

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted at her, and she smiled at me

"Jj" john b walked over to jj
"Stop holding the gun up, ok?" He asked, but jj stepped closer to Veronica.

"You really wanna do this, huh?" Veronica asked when she felt the gun against her stomach . "Killing your own mother? The one you saved 3 times? You almost died for me, and now that? Well, how fast people change, " she teased

"You were never my mother." Jj said coldly now with his finger, almost pulling the trigger.

"Stop!" Sarah shouted
"Mom, please," she begged

"What is it, Sarah?  Are you trying to tell me that you're choosing him over me?" Veronica asked.
"Give me an answer, sweetheart." Veronica added

"And you, you should be dead by now." She whispered, holding the gun up to jjs head

"Veronica." Pope and John b said at the same time,"Mom." Sarah said in unison with them

"I need an answer, Sarah!" She said in a louder voice.  "You didn't deserve Sarah, jj. You didn't deserve anyone and nothing. You're lucky I didn't do this before. " she held the gun against jjs head

"Really?" Jj teases and let his gun drop on the floor, I jumped at the sudden sound of the gun crashing down.
"Well, go ahead. Do it if you're feeling any better after. I have absolutely nothing to lose." He added, stepping even closer to the gun

hurt myself by hurting you~ jiaraWhere stories live. Discover now