new start

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Me and jj got up and walked too the others
I was always blushing when he was there in the last time like crazy...

But I also had a memory back in head
About pope... I kissed him- I mean it was a while ago but he still seemed to think about it... I needed to talk too him before I do anything

"Hey pope could we talk?" I asked taking popes hand

"Ofcours" he smiled, when I dragged him into one of the rooms

"Pope look-" I started buy he interrupted me

"Kiara carrera I am so happy you want to talk to me again, after the best nigth of my life I thought we had something but we got stranded and everything changed you got so close with jj, and I tried too ignore it by hanging out with cleo and-" I stopped him by holding my hand infromt of his mouth

"Pope-" I breath out, shit I've messed up so bad, he took everything so serious...

"I love you kie" he whispered hugging me

"Pope please-" I begged
He stopped the hug and kissed me.
I didn't know what to do I backed away
Saying "sorry" and locking myself in the bathroom, he didn't came so I guess he went back upside

I cried into my knees, it was too much to handle rigth now I don't wanna hurt him- but I can't love him- I don't love him romantically I love him like a friend nothing more. Why is it so hard?

I heard a knock And someone tried to open the door, then I heard a familiar voice

"Kie? Are you ok?" Jj.

I really needed him so I opend the door not leaving any second for him too react I jumped into his arms crying in his chest

"What happend?" He whispered hugging me tighter

"Pope-" I let out a hitched breath

He sat me down on the floor kneeling infront of me, he closet the door and took my hands in his

"Did he hurt you?" He asked even if he knew that, that question was not really important-
I shook my head slightly

"He thinks- he thinks I love him-" I sobbed
"But I don't j, I'm scared"

"But that was back then? Why would he still think that-" jj shrugged

"I don't know, but i don't wanna hurt him jj" I whispered resting my head on my knees

"Kie common it'll be ok" he said as he rubbed his thumb over my hand

"I need to tell him"
"I'm telling him now" I said proudly and stood up not letting go of his hands

"Thank you j" I whispered and hugged him

"Everything for you kiara" he replied

We walked upstairs and faced everyone else playing truth or dare

"Wanna play?" Sarah asked smiling

"Sure" I responded And took a seat pulling jj to sit next to me

"So uhm cleo truth or dare?" Pope asked

"Truth" cleo shouted

"Do you like us?" Pope asked

"Awhh common man try harder" John b replied

"Yeah I kinda didn't thought you'll gave me what I needed" cleo made a quick pause looking at any of us

"A real family" she smiled looking at pope, he was the last one She looked at and he smiled back

"Sarah, truth or dare" John b asked

"Truth for me " Sarah replied

"Ok hmm, if you could pick anyone that is the hottest, who'd do you pick when you can't chose me?" John b smiled

hurt myself by hurting you~ jiaraWhere stories live. Discover now