the truth

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That day, jj came late night everyone was sleeping. Just me laying eye opened in bed waiting for his presence

He came in and throwed his jacked on the table, he took a deep breath and sat on the bed staring out the window.

"You're back" I whispered Turning into his side

"And your awake" he answered not looking at me

"Couldn't sleep so I waited for you" I replied
"You ok?" I added touching his back

"Yeah just thinking" he whispered laying down on his side.
It went quit and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up by Sarah shouting my name.

"KIARA! BREAKFAST" she screamed

I first ignored it but then she came and jumped on the bed saying " wake up wake up wake up"

And after a while I finally got up walking into the living room where everyone sat around the full food table

"Can we eat now?" Cleo asked making pope laugh

"Kie?" John b asked.
I nodded in response as I took place next to jj and sarah

"So about my dad"
"I've found out he's been staying here the first 3 weeks. Maybe he's still here or maybe he's gone We don't know" John b explained

"We could ask the police or someone" pope suggested

"Nah, leave the police out of this" I replied

"Ok so my theory is that maybe he's living in a small house in town" John b shouted Everyone had a "maybe" Look as their expression even me.

Jjs phone vibrated and it was the infirmary again, jj just closed his phone and paid his attention back to us, I did aswell but i could see jj was really unsure about the situation

"I mean we could look around on doorbells the name big John" Sarah suggested

"Thats one option" cleo agreed

"I'll take that so who's coming?" John b asked

"Excuse me" jj said and walked into the bathroom leaving his phone at the table

"I'm coming buddy" pope shouted And sarah aswell

"4 don't kill" cleo smiled and they look at me but I was focused on jjs phone waiting for the next call so I could pick up

"Kiara?" Sarah asked
"Your coming?"

"Oh, nah I'm staying" I replied smiling

"Ok fine we'll be right back" cleo responded and they walked off

The phone vibrated again but before I could grab it jj came back and I needed to grab the apple next to it.
He looked at me as if he noticed it

"I thought your allergic to apples-" he asked while he turned his phone of

"Uh- yeah- I actually am not" I laughed it of, I wanted to bite into the apple

"You don't need to eat that kiara" he stopped me
"I can't Deal with calling a nurse now" and with that he walked of

Well maybe I messed up-
I sneaked into the room were he was

"Hey uhm jj" I said behind the door with only my head revealing

Then I walked in "You should've answer it"
I mentioned

"Stay out of it kie"
"It's not your problem" he replied

"I know jj, I just-" I started but I couldn't say anything else

"She's not like I thought kiara, if that clears you up a little" he added

"And what do you wanna do? Wait till she dies" I asked confused moving my hands around

"Thats exactly what I meant-" He said emotionlessly and then finished his sentence with "Kiara."

"She's your mother-" I shouted

"I told you to stay out of it" He returned

"She made you into you- she's your creator. The one You always waited for jj!" I shouted till I lost it
As I said that his face went disappointed

"You think the reason I wanted her was my dad? Like she would stop him huh?"

"Well guess what kiara, I dont wanna see here anymore" He replied
"She just died for me already" and with that he left

~jjs pov~

I knew what I said wasn't true, but I said it out in anger. I can't believe they think the only thing why I wanted to find her was my dad- I've  never wanted her and him to meet again after what he did too her.

No one knows the real story. The letter. Or even what I've done back then. I've never told anyone about it and I will never do.

My dad abused her. And she always gave me the fault for it, she even told luke that he should better hit me, than her. I remember that day when she ran away, my dad said I helped her and slapped me millions of times. I was only 6.

She came back a few days after, luke had a friend over and I locked myself up in my room. I only heard how she screamed apologizes at him but he hitted her and his friend helped him. That day I took my dad's gun and shot at him but I accidentally killed his friend. And even here my mom gave me the fault.

And then she just left, only with one letter.
That made me open my eyes about her. She wasn't much better than luke.

~kies pov~

Jj came back before the others,  but he didn't say anything after lately, he even ignored me. Dumbass.

"We are BACK" Sarah screamed
"JUST SO YOU DONT DO SOMETHING LIKE-" but she stopped when she noticed our expression

"Sorry didn't now you had That serious time" Sarah added

"What happend?" Pope asked

"Noth-" I wanted to say but jj already said something different

"She just decided to be on the better side now- you know?" Jj laughed But this laugh sounded hurt. He stood up and walked into our room

Pope glanced at me pretty long after jj left with Question Marks around his head

"I- I just told him that he should answer the hospital but he got mad and yeah that's how it is" I explained

"No at all" jj shouted from the room

"Why don't you tell us then?" Cleo asked

" I don't have the time to explain myself" jj responded closing the door

It went silence but John b broke it

"JJ MAYBANK MOVE YOUR ASS BACK HERE." John b shouted and soon enough jj came by

"What?" He asked annoyed

"What the hell happend?" John b asked

"Why do you care?"
"None of your business" jj replied

"I'm serious jj, you should call back" John b meant

"Oh really? Why should I? So she could manipulate me again" jj asked

"What are you talking about jj?" Pope asked

"Back then when I was 6, she told me she was on my side that im the only thing she has and that she will protect me till death, I was young and believed it. But I always heard her telling luke that he should better hit me than her cause im the problem." Jj explained and it was like my mouth was taped

"A few weeks ago I found a letter. Her- it was her goodbye letter. She wrote that I'm the reason she left and that she will have a better life without me" jj teared up

"What?" Sarah asked as much speechless as I was

"I'm not gonna help someone that didn't want me." Jj said

"Nah-" pope signed
"You wont" he added

hurt myself by hurting you~ jiaraWhere stories live. Discover now