Chapter 39

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We pushed open wooden doors, which led to a spacious corridor.

My eyes followed the elaborate gold detail that lined the walls till it came to meet the shadows at the very far end: Prince Andrion and Abernan. Around them were the Prince's guards, Nathanael, Owen, Ziggs, Nibbs, Eyels, Waryn, and Carther. There next to the throne was the King on his knees, bowing to Andrion's sword.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Andrion, put down the sword."

"Emilea?" Carther gasped.

Andrion did not withdraw.

"Right on time, sister. A new age is about to begin!" His voice boomed through the room more than mine did.

"Where is KuRath?" Abernan asked us.

"He is dead," I claimed.

"Well, that is unfortunate. Now, what are you doing here? Did I not make it explicit that you were not to show your face ever again?"

"She is fine, Abernan." Teren jumped in.

"What if she goes rogue again?" He scowled.

I ignored Abernan's thoughtless words.

"Andrion, please. I need to ask the King some questions."

"Why?" he asked. "We know what he has done. He should have been punished for his crimes a long time ago!"

I looked at the King. Besides his skin being as pale as a ghost, it was also bruised all over and he was extremely skinny. It looked as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. What had they done to him? Why was our King like this?

"Look at him. It seems someone has already inflicted punishment upon him."

I felt the King's glare which had not broken since I had entered the room. His eyes turned wet.

"You broke your promise." He whispered with a raspy voice.

"Quiet, old man." Prince Andrion scolded.

I want you to stop all further communications with my son, the Prince. As well as his Master in the North. I want you to leave, take your sword and go far away. Don't tell anyone. Do not look back, no matter what. Please. I can't lose you. That is what the King asked of me. Yet here I was, meddling in affairs that the King warned me about.

My heart hurt. It seems he had meant those words. I could see it in his eyes. He was truly concerned about me.

"Please, Andrion. Let me talk to him. After all legally, he is my father too."

Andrion rubbed his temples.

"Come now, this is ridiculous. You know what he did. There is nothing else to be discussed." Abernan growled.

Andrion looked at Abernan. He sighed.

"I know, Abernan. But Emilea has a right to voice her grievances before the King dies."

Abernan scoffed.

"I was wrong about you, Andrion. You are very much your father's son. Pathetic and weak. I can't believe I tried to raise you as my own."

Abernan drew the sword from Carther's scabbard and swung it down at the Prince.

"Andrion!" I screamed. Even his guards tried to stop it, but it was too late.

We watched as the Prince's head tumbled to the floor.

"How dare you!" Carther swore. Andrion's soldiers surrounded him.

"I honestly do not have time for this."

Abernan looked at me and smiled.

Then with a flick, he snapped his fingers.

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