Chapter 26

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"Emilea, look out!" Carther's shouts reached my ears. My eyes opened. How was I alive? What had just happened? I looked around. Waryn was approaching the same way as before, sword swinging towards my left. My thoughts froze. This had just happened. Waryn would feint and swing up. I jumped back avoiding his attack. I could recall the cold thick blade slicing through my neck. My blood had stained the grass below, and my lungs could no longer grasp air. Hadn't I died a second ago? I collapsed in shock, arms shaking. I put my hand over my throat. My eyes fell upon the sword. Was this its power? Could it show the future?

"Emilea?" Prince Andrion called to me. Waryn dropped his sword upon the Prince's command. A hand fell upon my shoulder. Carther crouched down to me.

"You're shaking."

I had just felt what death was like and I could not shake the feeling.

"What's wrong?" Prince Andrion approached.

I looked up, my eyes searched until I found Waryn. I got up and pushed my way to him.

"You." I pointed my finger at him. "What were you thinking? What the hell was that?" I yelled. Since the moment we met he has had something against me.

"Whatever are you talking about, Emilea?" He looked around innocently.

"Yes, what is going on?" Andrion spoke up.

"Wayrn! He just-" My thoughts faded. "He just-" I rubbed my temple. I had the weirdest feeling. I knew I was upset at Waryn but for the life of me, I couldn't remember why.

"Are we missing something?" Prince Andrion exchanged glances between the two of us.

There was one thing I could remember. I looked down at the opal sword which never ceased to shine.

"The sword. It grants me the power to see into the future. I think." I announced.

Whispers broke out around me.

"Incredible." Owen offered his hand. I took it and stood.

"That is," Andrion paused and looked to Abernan, "incredible to hear!" He patted me on the back. Glad you are on our side, Emilea!" The Prince earned a chuckle from the others. "See Abernan, I told you she would be a great ally!" Abernan had remained quiet up to this point.

"Yes, my boy, you are quite right." Abernan walked up to me. "How do you feel?"

"A bit shaky, but alright I think."

"Well this is quite surprising. Most people feel much worse upon their first time. Consider yourself lucky." He spoke slowly. I would say it felt like a warning but it felt like something else entirely. There was definitely something different about Abernan. However, I could not put my tongue on it.

"I am sure one day, you will be the most feared yet revered fighter in all Galasia." Abernan put a hand on my shoulder, taking it off almost immediately. "Andrion let us go and talk about these big plans of yours."

"Right, right."

The Prince and his master walked off into the town. I watched them until they disappeared within a distant cabin.


The village was silent and the Druid's cabin was dark. The half moon lit up the mountainside with its soft glow. Standing from the gates of the village I could mostly make out the entire camp. The cold mountain winds rustled the trees back and forth. My eyes were heavy and I could hear my heart beat slow. I did not realize how exhausted I was when I volunteered for the night's watch.

Something grasped my shoulder.

I reached to pull out my sword. A hand stopped me from doing so.

"Shh, Emilea it's alright. It is just me."

"Damn it, Carther, don't ever do that again." He appeared before me.

"Look, I need to talk to you." He waited for me to respond.


He looked around. I followed his gaze. Upon making sure no one else was around, he spoke.

"I think we should keep an eye on Abernan."

"I couldn't agree more." I crossed my arms.


"What?" I looked at him, brows raised.

"I want to apologize."

"For what?"

"You asked me why I helped you back at the Blood Brother's Camp and I still haven't told you."

"Wasn't it because you heard I was the one who took the King's sword?"

"Yes, and no."

Carther looked at me.

"The Prince did not tell you who you really are."

"Who I am?" A twig cracked in the distance.

"Ask him about it. You deserve to know."

"Know what?" I asked Carther.

"Tomorrow. Ask him."

"Ok." I agreed.

Carther hurried away.

Why did it seem that action always followed me? I guess it would be better to accept this fate. As long as I carry this sword, danger would closely follow.

Many questions raced through my head. Many of which still seemed to have no answers while others just led to more questions. But one seemed to permanently stay. "Who was I?"

I woke the next morning to a commotion. Still a bit groggy, I trudged outside.

"What is going on?" All of the Prince's guards were standing around.

"Ah perfect, we were just about to wake you." Owen smiled.

"What is going on?" I repeated.

"I have received important information that requires us to leave at once." Prince Andrion arrived, Carther beside him.

"What kind of information?"

"I will explain along the way."

Once we were on our way back to Tith I approached the Prince on my horse.

"Where is Abernan?" I asked.

"He had some things to do." The Prince continued looking forward.

"Prince Andrion, may I ask you something?"

"Sure." He now looked my way. I eyed Carther who was still by the Prince's side. He nodded and gave us some space.

"What is wrong?" He asked as he saw Carther withdraw.

"Are you not telling me something?"

He tilted his head.

"Not to be rude, but I just get this feeling that you know something about me that I don't."

He bit his lip. After a minute of pondering he decided.

"You are right. I have been hiding information from you, but only to protect you."

"I am listening."

Prince Andrion sighed.

"I suppose you would find out eventually but," he watched my face, "you are my step sister."

I laughed.

"Wait, what?"

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