Chapter 3

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Akyto and I made our way over to the grand entrance to meet Teren. Teren immediately spotted us and a broad smile spread across his face.

Teren jumped off his horse and handed his reins to our tenants.

"Akyto, my friend!" They embraced. He turned to me.

"Emilea. How have you been?" He bowed slightly. I felt my cheeks turn red.

"It is good to see you again." I looked down.

"I wish I had the amount of time as the last. However, I must leave in three days."

"We understand. I will take you to father right away." Akyto headed back into the keep and Teren followed.

"We will catch up after, Lady Emilea." He waved to me before disappearing into our quarters.

I remember the time we first met.

Around six months ago father hosted a banquet for many prestigious clients, one of whom was a Lieutenant in the North Ultr Army. It generally involved them drinking and discussing their opinions of the King's recent actions. This time however, I had heard that the Lieutenant was here for business. Apparently the Lieutenant was here to make an important deal with our father but Akyto wouldn't tell me what about. Whatever the reason, the air seemed very stiff. Uncomfortable with the atmosphere, I decided to go out.

Teren approached me when I was finishing my late night walk.

"Is it safe to be walking alone, my lady?" A handsome young man with red locks to his shoulders appeared next to me. To be quite frank, it had startled me, however I pretended otherwise.

"Perhaps, but I am not afraid."

"Why are you out alone anyway?" He asked. His eyes were bright blue and he had this quiet smile that hid on his lips.

"I just needed some fresh air."

He nodded his head. With a hand he stroked his short red stubble, drawing my attention to his sharp jaw bone. I was surprised. He was the most attractive man I had ever seen, yet here he was enjoying a night walk and talking to me.

We walked a while in silence before I finally gained the courage to talk again.

"Are you one of my father's clients?"

"Ah, pardon my rudeness. I am Teren, son of the Lieutenant Greenwood. You must be Lord Dazaron's eldest daughter, Emilea. It is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed to me slightly. His manners were refreshing, especially since I lived with two very annoying brothers.

He walked through our private garden with me.

"Why are you not talking with the others?" I wondered aloud.

"Lieutenant says I am next in line for his position whenever he passes, so I need to learn everything I can from him. To be honest with you, I'd rather do anything else." He chuckled a contagious laugh, then sighed.

"Shall we sit and enjoy the stars?" He gestured to a bench. We sat together and watched the stars in silence. Even though we said nothing I felt comfortable next to this stranger.

"What do you love about the bright night?" He stared up at the stars.

I thought for a second. "My mother is up there."

"Ah. So are both of my parents."

"Both? I thought you said you were the son to Lieutenant Greenwood?"

"He adopted me as a child."

"Oh, I am terribly sorry about your parents."

"Thank you, Lady Emilea." He gave me a gentle smile that made me blush. I had never talked this way to a man before. Was I doing it correctly? Perhaps mentioning my dead mother wasn't a good idea. "Shall we go back inside and join the others?" I would have preferred to stay sitting next to him on that bench, but his gentle voice and bright smile were convincing enough.

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