Chapter 2

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I had discovered it three months ago, around the beginning of spring when my brothers and father were off visiting Ultr, for reasons they wouldn't say. Unlike other places, our home lay at the end of a mile long pathed road. At the very entrance there stood a tall gate and circular fountain which would then lead into the village. I was never allowed to go to the village alone but since father and Akyto were gone, it was easy to sneak out of the house unseen. The heat from the sun tickled my shoulders and the sounds of nature surrounded me. It was usually very peaceful. However, I could hear yelling and angry shouts coming from beyond a gathered crowd. Curious, I joined the group and discovered several young boys fighting against each other with wooden swords. It was a very common game played by youngsters. My brothers often sparred as well, yet of course, they were with real swords. As I was about to continue my walk, one of the boys caught my attention. If I had to answer truthfully, I would admit that he was quite handsome, even if he looked younger than my sister. What attracted me was his moves. He was incredibly light on his feet and very precise. Every swing brought sparks. I could not remove my eyes from him.

When he won the fight, and the crowd had dispersed, I approached him.

Upon noticing me, he bowed.

"What is your name?"

"It's Debynn." He spoke with confidence.

I hesitated. I wanted him to teach me, not because I was the Lord Dazaron's daughter, but because he thought I was worthy to be his student.

"I am not here as Lady Emilea; you may just call me Emilea."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I know you have other responsibilities, but I would like you to teach me how to fight like you just did. With a sword." I waited anxiously.

"And why would you need to be taught this, Lady Emilea? A lady especially of high descent should not wield a dangerous weapon such as a sword." He sat on the ground and began to polish his sword.

"Please. I do not care what you or anyone thinks. When the time comes I want to be able to protect our nation and my family, just like everyone else, even if I must die doing so."

"I do apologize. I did not expect my Lady to express true valor. But what will Lord Dazaron say to this?"

"That is what I must ask you. Can you please keep it a secret?"

"Lie, to Lord Dazaron?" He stopped what he was doing. "Is this a test?"

I shook my head.

"I know it is a burden to put on you, but I can assure you, if the time comes where my father does discover my afternoon activities here, I will take full responsibility." If anyone in my family found out, I would surely be reprimanded by my father. Even worse, they would laugh at me. However, I would rather try than continue living as a worthless daughter of a Lord.

"Do you understand what you are asking of me? I do not believe you understand the severity of lying to a Lord. I can not risk my life for a lesson I am not sure will even be put to good use."

This conversation wasn't happening how I imagined it.

"Tell me this. Why are you so determined? Have you even handled a sword before?"

"No, but I have nothing else. I have no talents to give to my family."

"Hmm. I cannot believe that." He snorted.

"Well if you saw you would understand. So that is why I want you to teach me. I know that this will not win approval with my father. So the least I can do is prove it to myself."

"Hmm." He thought aloud. "What is the other reason? There is another reason, correct?"

"Well," he had seen right through me somehow. "To be honest I want to be a fighter, like my brother."

"A fighter, huh? Why choose me to teach you?" He crossed his rather fit arms.

"Well after seeing the fight you just won, I could feel that perhaps sword fighting was something I could do. If I had your help."

He grew silent.

"Please. Look, if I must, I will tell my father. If I get him to accept, I will arrive tomorrow. If he doesn't accept, I will not bother you again."

After a drawn out pause, he answered.

"Alright. I will do it. But only if the Lord Dazaron agrees."

I thanked him repeatedly.

Well, the next day I returned to the village where I found Debynn waiting.

To be honest, I didn't purposely lie to Debynn. I just forgot to talk to my father about it, and I was glad I did because I had a sinking feeling that he wouldn't have approved.

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