Chapter 36

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My body ached as I stretched wide and yawned.

"Palleas." There he sat next to me.

His eyes shone bright as they met my own. He hugged me with a laugh.

"I knew you would be alright." He claimed. "Let me go tell the others." He ran out before I could ask him what had happened. I patted my body for injuries. None that I could find.

"Good to see you up."

I looked up to see Beatra standing at the end of my bed. She no longer had her wrists bound.

"Beatra." I quickly located my sword laying on a table to the side of the bed. Her eyes darted to the sword as well.

"I'm not here to kill you if that's what you think." She smirked.

"Oh, since when the change of heart?" I coughed lightly.

"I think you are crazy and I like that."

What did that mean? She changed her mind because she liked how crazy I seemed? She had to be joking right?

"You stood up for me back there. You didn't have to. I was your enemy. You could have saved all the trouble if you just handed me over, yet you didn't." Beatra chuckled. "Then you tried to save her-"

"As I told you, I don't want to kill any more people."

"That's what makes you crazy. That, right there. Emilea, that is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It is impossible to be a fighter and not kill anyone. Kelrith, Bargonaan, and even Palleas know that; myself included." She paused. "I've decided to help you guys."

I raised my brows.

"But," she interrupted my shock. "But you have to get what I am saying through your head otherwise people are gonna die. You are going to die."

"I am happy you are on our side. Holding prisoners was never my thing." I smiled at her.

Beatra clicked her tongue at me. She probably didn't like the fact that I made no response to her warning.

"Promise me, if the time comes, and it comes between your life or theirs, you will choose theirs."

I looked at her. She seemed surprisingly serious considering she was my enemy only a few days ago. Why was she giving me advice?


"Ok, ok." I waved her off.

Palleas walked in.



They nodded to each other. Palleas looked at her then to me, almost in a way to ask if I was ok. I smiled trying to ease his discomfort.

"So, what happened?"

He hesitated.

"It is a bit complicated."

"Indeed it is." A small old man entered the cabin I once stayed at with Andrion and Abernan. "My name is Vyndor. I have been taking care of you."

"You have been asleep for a week." Palleas explained.

"A week?" How? Why?

"It is a miracle that you even survived." Vyndor sat down on a stool next to the cot I rested in.

Had I been injured somehow? Had my shoulder gotten reinfected?

"Tell me." he says. "Are you stupid?"

"Excuse me?" I asked the Druid Vyndor. What kind of question was that?

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