Chapter 9

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We slowly found our way deeper and deeper into the forest. It was so thick that most of the leaves blocked any moonlight rays. No wonder why no one traveled through these woods. Not only was there a village of assassins somewhere here, but one could easily lose direction unless they knew where they were going, like these folk in front of me.

"Let's go around the Mink river this time." Illyana yawned.

"You scared you won't make the jump this time?" Bazel poked. Illyana shot him a glare.

"It has nothing to do with that. It's just not worth it. Besides, I really don't want to risk anything with this sword."

"Uh-hu." Bazel rolled his eyes.

"Is there not a bridge?" I wondered aloud.

"There used to be but-" Reubyn looked at Illyana. "It broke."

"Don't look at me like it was my fault. That bridge was old. It's not like I wanted it to break. I almost got swallowed up by that darkness." She shivered.

"The river?"

"Less of a river and more of a very deep ravine now." Bazel explained.

"You either go around it or try to jump it. And I will not be doing that again!" Illyana pointed at Bazel before he could open his mouth. "Only someone crazy enough would willingly want to do that."

"Yes, let's just go around. We will still reach the camp by morning. When we do, we will take you to your tent where you will wait until the boss arrives." He is the only one that can officially mark you as an assassin. If you pass, then you will be welcomed into our clan. However, do not think this will be an easy step for you. He will test you to examine your skill. You will fail. He will give you one last shot to correct the mistake you make. If you can, only then will you pass." Reubyn explained this to me. Who was this chief? Was he super human or something? Was he someone that could beat anyone that he encountered? I couldn't believe that. This mysterious leader was very intriguing. I was willing to fight and I was ready to pass, whatever it took to get the sword back.

As we finally came upon the camp Bazel let out a loud war cry. I practically jumped off my horse. Even poor Polly twitched with the loud yell. As predicted the morning sun tickled my skin as it began to peak through the forest. I stretched and yawned. Never had I ever been so tired in my life.

"Bazel! You are so wasted." Illyana chuckled.

We slowed down, finally entering the camp. Tents filled the surrounding area. It was a decent size, but I realized that it was nothing like the rumors. I had always heard it was a smaller version of the capital, huge castle for the leader of all assassins, tons of dozens of homes, pubs where the craziest got crazed, and an armory filled with every torture device imaginable. It was not to say this was a let down, but it definitely wasn't what I was expecting. Sure there was a decent amount of living quarters but not enough to stand up against the King. Was this really the rumored group of assassins that were terrorizing the black forest and driving the King bloody mad?

"Is this it?" I said surprised.

"We are doing some building in the village so we have most of the women and children here, in tents, to wait till it's finished." From where we stood I could not see the village to which they referred. Perhaps it really did look like the capital after all.

We finally came to a stop in front of a little boy and girl. They were both blonde, and I was sure they were twins. As we dismounted our horses, they greeted us.

"How were your travels?" They asked in unison.

"Pleasant and successful," Illyana said as she ruffled both of their heads. They giggled in response.

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