Chapter 28

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His name tasted bitter in my mouth. The last time I saw him, I believed I never wanted to see him again. Yet here he was standing in front of me, as someone I trusted.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. My temples grew sore.

"I hope you can forgive me. I shouldn't have told your father."

"You? You are Vermilion? But your voice has been so much deeper." I disregarded his apology. "Have you always been Vermilion? Did Akyto and my father- Lord Dazaron know this? Help me understand."

"I have always been Vermilion. I have told no one of this identity. Telling you about my true identity would only put you in more danger. But I feel like you have the right to know. And I am tired of hiding things from you."

Why was everyone concerned about my safety?

I took a deep breath.When did everything get so complicated? Today? No. Perhaps it began from the moment I was born. I sat down.

"Emilea, are you ok?"

"No I am not ok! Vermil- Teren. You lied to our family and you lied to me. How can I trust you? You could have told me when we met at your camp, but you didn't. What else are you hiding?" He did not speak. "And don't think I have forgiven you for telling my father." I filled the silence with my voice instead. "Just because I am the Queen's daughter doesn't mean I should be coddled-" I stopped myself.

"Who told you?" Teren interjected.

I tilted my head at him. He knew this too? Of course he did.

"How long did you know?" I felt my eyes moisten.

"Right before we met. Your father told me about you. He wanted me to be your guardian, you know. I would have too if I didn't have the responsibilities of being an assassin."

The last thing I wanted to do right now was talk with him. Surely the others were waiting for me. It would be impolite to keep them waiting, I told myself. I grabbed my horse's reins and turned south.

"Where are you going?" His feet rustled the grass as he followed me. I ignored him.

"To Tith." I growled.

"Don't go." He begged as a dog did for scraps. "Emilea." He sighed.

"I am safe with them." I wasn't even sure if I believed that, but running away from Teren was the only thing on my mind. I didn't want to discuss this now. I didn't want to talk about the past. Not right now. What was I supposed to say to him? I was upset but upset that I was upset? I didn't even know how I felt.

I kept walking. I expected him to express his distrust in Andrion but he didn't. I no longer heard him behind me. Regardless I decided to not look back and check. My feet continued through the forest brush. My eyes finally caught sight of my horse feeding on some tree moss. I mounted and kept my head ahead. After passing multiple trees I let go of my breath, not aware I was holding it in the first place.

My mind seemed black for a moment. I looked down at my hands as I rode, as if seeing them would help me recall what had happened.

As I neared the road, the sound of horses caught my ears. I slowed Suds. My eyes caught sight of figures in the distance. As they neared, I could just barely make out the group of soldiers. They all stood in front of one single person.

"Well, what do we have here? " A rough toneless voice boomed outward, making even the leaves curl up in fear. I lost my breath as KuRath appeared. Until now, I had never gotten a good look at him. His jawline was sharp and grey scruff lined his lower chin and cheeks. He dismounted his horse; armor clashing against itself and feet thumping to the ground like a five hundred pound elephant. His arms flexed, making his veins pulse outward. Upon his armor on his chest was a Lion. It was the symbol for the King's personal guards. It fit KuRath well. He was the most fearsome predator in Galasia.

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