Chapter 10

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After what seemed like a forever of darkness, now began to brighten. Rays of light hit my eyes, and I winced. After adjusting to the light, I realized that I was in a new tent. The light wind tickled my toes and blew through my hair.

I slowly sat up. A slight pain gripped my head. It felt like I was hit with a hammer. Ignoring the constant throbbing, I got up and went outside. Everyone was busy doing work. What had happened? How long had I been out?

I walked about the village which seemed to be as busy as always. No one paid attention to me as I walked curiously through.

"Ah, you are finally awake I see." I looked over and saw the boss approaching me, in his usual full body attire. It was as black as the night sky. I was sure he could easily escape anyone he wanted to in the afternoon dusk. The slit of his eyes glared into mine once again.

"What happened earlier, um...?" His name slipped my mind. Had they even told me it? Everyone just called him "the boss".

"People usually call me Vermilion, and do you mean yesterday? You slept a lot longer than usual people do."

"I do not usually drink."

"That was evident." He said blatantly. He seemed different than yesterday.

"Check your arm."

I was confused but did so. There on my arm was the assassin symbol, burnt into my skin.

"That's why we give you our strongest mead mix with a few narcotics. Pain-free. Enjoy." I traced the symbol over with my hand. It looked like a star.

The skin was sensitive to the touch.

"I hope you are happy with your decision."

"I am. I can finally be what I always wanted!" I lied. He came over to me and gripped my shoulders. He looked at me very seriously.

"Why? Why would this be something you want?"

Was this a test? I didn't know how to respond.

"You can never live a normal life." He continued. "And no matter how hard you try, the people you care about seem to slip through your fingers." I winced as his hands gripped my shoulders even tighter.

"I know that. But everyone who I loved saw me as more of a hassle than they did as a family member." A little of the truth slipped out. I looked away from his judging eyes. "I have moved on. It is the only way I can be who I need to be. Even if it means losing ones that I come to love, in the future."

He let go of my shoulders.

"Just wait till someone you love dies in front of you." He muttered, then quickly walked away.

He had just shown me a little piece of the life of an assassin. Losing people did hurt deep inside. I wanted to say that he made me respect this life a little but all I could feel was anger. Could they not realize that they cursed the same fate on to the families of the people they murdered? Would this killing and grieving circle ever stop? Would we ever realize that it all wasn't worth it? I shook off my questions and rested until dinner.

Later that night we all joined around a huge bonfire and ate. I sat with Illyana and the guys; who I found with mugs of mead. The others talked about past stories, but I just listened. I found my tongue silent tonight. I knew Vermilion's pain all too well. I knew I should just shrug off his words, however they bothered me. Why would he talk about that so randomly? He couldn't be aware of my true intentions, could he? Even so, why did I feel so guilty?

"Hey what do you think, Ezailia?" Bazel asked me without warning.

"Hmm?" I honestly had no clue what we were talking about.

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