Chapter 13

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I was jolted out of bed by a quick boom. I clasped my ears as it echoed through my ear drums. A consistent tapping made my tent ripple like waves. My heart beat with excitement. A thunderstorm had rolled in. I jumped outside my tent and sprinted through the storm. Rain coated my body. A bright light flew through the sky and was followed by an explosion. It vibrated through my body. It was slightly terrifying.

"Ah, Ezailia, I wasn't sure you were going to come. Everyone seems to take the day off when these big thunderstorms roll into town." Kaddo asked as a bright light lit up the sky. My body jumped in response and I found myself blinking, stunned.

"Have you ever been in a thunderstorm before?"

"Just once but it wasn't-" A crack of thunder exploded above us. "It wasn't as loud!" I clasped my hands to my ears in panic but found myself laughing.

"Consider yourself lucky. They only get this big in Kalzar. Isn't it amazing?" He took a deep sigh. "Oh. That reminds me. Vermilion was looking for you."

I thanked him ducked back into the rain. If it wasn't for the occasional lighting I wouldn't have a clue what was ahead of me. It was a terrifying yet amazing experience.

Due to the direction of the winds and the absence of electrical charges found in moist air, Aldan and Entheria never experienced storms. According to my sister anyway. She could be wrong but unfortunately when it came to random facts, she usually was always right. I knew that was the logical reason for why Kalzr was the only region in Galasia that got huge storms, but my thoughts drifted to the rumors of the curse that my younger brother Yestin had told me.

Back in the day, where Druid's lived within the realms of humans, it was said Kalzr was the most populated city in the lands besides the capital. However, magic became a source for evil and many druid's were killed on these very grounds. Yestin always said the storms were a reminder to all of the horrible things Druid's brought upon the lands.

"Boss?" I shouted into Vermilion's closed quarters.

Vermilion popped his head out. He was in his usual assassin attire. I wonder if anyone had seen him without it on? Perhaps he never took it off. Though if that was the case he would smell much worse.

"Emilea, goodness you are soaked. Please come in."

I followed him into his tent.

"Enjoying the weather?" He let out his usual cackle as he took a blanket in his hands. He beckoned me to him. Shyly I walked over. This was my first time in his tent. In fact this was the first time a man had invited me into their quarters. To my surprise, it was quite bare. There was a bed, a desk, and a chair. Nothing else. As I reached him, he threw a blanket around me. "It might be summer, but the rain here is always freezing. The last thing we want is for you to catch a cold." His body was uncomfortably close to mine and his eyes stared into mine for a moment longer than seemed appropriate. Though, I wonder what he was thinking about?

"Please sit, I have something to give you." I did as he insisted and sat in his only chair. He quickly walked over to the far side of his bed and picked up a sword. My eyes fell upon the familiar red sheath.

"I believe you are ready for this." Vermilion extended out Debynn's sword to me.

"Are you sure? Am I really ready?"

"Yes. You have shown you are." He nodded.

I took a breath and drew the sword from its sheath, unleashing a bright rainbow glow.

Even without the rays of sun around, the sword seemed to brighten up the area. Each tiny detail, from the hilt to the tip of the blade, was breathtaking. I traced the hilt. Wings outspread decorated the opal colored metal. Besides its absolute beauty, there was something else about it that made me stop. As I held it in my hands, I felt this rushing urge to fight with the assassins. I wanted to fight for Galasia's freedom.

"Do you think he knew? What would happen when he didn't give the sword to the king?" I asked.

"Yes, I think he knew right from the beginning." Vermilion's voice faded. We both watched the sword as I slowly swung it around. It felt practically weightless in my hand.

"I think it is the best sword he's ever made! And you're sure I can have it?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's not like any of us could wield it. It would have just stayed in its scabbard if you hadn't come along-" Vermilion quickly closed his mouth.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Uhh, what I mean is- Debynn did make it for you."

"I thought he made it for the King?"

"Well he did but-"

"Am I missing something?"

"Well," Vermilion hesitated. "Debynn didn't tell me directly that he made it for you. But I suspected it from the start. He had no intention of giving the sword to the King. You were his one and only apprentice. So, who else would it be for?"

That made sense. But there was still something that didn't make sense.

"But why am I the only one that can wield it?"

"I didn't say that." He shook his head.

"Yes. You literally just did."

"Well, what I meant was that it's way too light. Obviously he made it to fit your fighting style better."

That was the most blatant cover up I have ever heard. What was he hiding from me?


"Boss!" Distant yells interrupted me. It was quite horrible timing. Vermilion, however, seemed quite pleased by the intrusion. He threw open the tent door. Through the pouring rain, I spotted Illyana standing a few feet away.

"Slave traders were spotted on the west edge of Kalzar." Illyana's gaze drifted between us. She suddenly looked very irked. Perhaps Vermilion didn't invite many guests into his private quarters.

"Ah, they have decided to make a deal then? Get a group ready."

Illyana nodded but didn't move from where she stood.

"I will be back shortly. Until then why don't you just stay in my tent, Ezailia? It won't be too long-"

"Actually," Illyana interrupted Vermilion. "I think Ezailia should come with us," she pulled her eyes away from mine and I exhaled. "She should learn how we work."

"Well, why not?" Vermilion shrugged. "Follow Illyana's orders, and you will be safe. I will meet you both there." He put a hand on my shoulder, gave a quick wink, then went back into his tent.

"Let's go." Illyana gave a quick eye roll before heading back into camp.

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