Chapter 21

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The world seemed quiet. Unusually quiet, for an arena filled with a screaming crowd. I listened harder. Had the poison caused me to lose my hearing? A light breeze tickled my cheeks and sneaked through my hair. It was quite peaceful and I realized I wasn't afraid. Something unsettling tickled at the back of my mind. I flexed my hands and then my legs. I could swear something hard was pressed against me, keeping me up. Then suddenly my mind turned on, and I found myself opening my eyes.

"Kana, she's awake!" Carther's voice filled the silence. I blinked. What had happened? What of the battle? Was it all a dream?

"What happened? Where am I?" My thoughts spilled out.

"You don't remember? The match is over."

"What?" So this wasn't a dream?

"What is the last thing you remember?" Carther asked me. I thought back. Everything was in bits and pieces. Closing my eyes tightly, ignoring my raging headache, I tried to think back.

His smile.

I remember Trogan's wicked grin. We began fighting, and it was difficult for me because his attacks seemed stronger than before. Every time I tried to avoid one of his strikes, my head would spin, and the nausea would become almost unbearable. On the other hand, Trogan seemed unaffected. His sword sliced through the air just as before. We tussled back and forth until Trogan managed to land a small blow to my side. Now that I think about it, he managed to land several attacks on me, all because I couldn't concentrate on anything. The second poison seemed only to make everything worse. I remember vomiting profusely. During one of my episodes, I noticed Trogan switch hands. He swung from his right side instead of with his dominant side. My training with Debynn echoed through my mind. I knew what his next attack would be. I had dug my feet into the ground and swung my sword with all my might. His sword miraculously slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground. Trogan panicked and whirled around hoping to grab his sword in time, however, I had not allowed it. I put all of my strength into that next attack.

The sword vibrated as it scraped along his bone and flesh. Blood splattered my face and my eardrums filled with Trogan's howl and the crowd's exciting screams. He collapsed to his knees. A large gaping cut stretched across Trogan's back.

"The last thing I remember is attacking Trogan's backside," I told Carther.

"That's more than I thought you would."

"Right after you attacked Trogan you collapsed, you poor thing." Kana walked in and felt my forehead.

"Yeah, it turns out you were having an allergic reaction to the poison Kana gave you." He scratched his head and smiled innocently. I wanted to punch him, but as I went to sit up, pain from all over my body reminded me I could not do so.

"Woah, easy there. Though I gave you the antidote, it will take several hours for you to completely heal. You should be fine now. Just focus on healing up, alright?" Carther squeezed my arm. I winced.

"Honestly Carther. You are not helping." Kana scolded.

"Sorry." He threw his hands up.

"Ezailia, glad to see you awake." We looked at the tent entrance to find Syrus. He winked. "My brother and I would like to speak to you privately in our tent."

"I don't think she is well enough-"

"You see it was not a request." Syrus interrupted Kana.

Carther slowly helped me up.

"I'm alright," I assured them as I slowly followed Syrus. My entire body ached and I only could grit through the pain in my shoulder.

Slowly we walked to the tent in silence. It was late. Everyone was most likely asleep. I looked up at Syrus. I wanted to ask who won the battle but I found my tongue silent. There was this horrible feeling in the back of my throat every time I thought about it. It was like I already knew the answer.

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