Chapter 12

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The next couple of weeks consisted of strenuous work. In the morning chores would be done then I would train after with Vermilion. I had to get that sword, no matter how sore my entire body was. I had to get it for Debynn. He had to know that his training wasn't a waste of his time. I would show Vermilion as well as everyone else, that I was a force to be reckoned with.

"You have grown stronger since the first day we trained. Your endurance has improved significantly. Agree?" Vermilion said.

I nodded, still breathing heavily. Grabbing a nearby wet cloth, I dabbed my face full of sweat.

The sun's rays lit up the trees in the west. In an hour or so it would be time for supper. Hopefully, training would end quickly because I had a wicked appetite. Apparently, this consistent exercise increased the size of my stomach because I couldn't eat enough food.

"Why don't we call it here for the day." Vermilion tossed his long worn wooden sword on the ground. "I'll see you at dinner," he said as he went into his tent.

Trying not to seem too desperate I made my way to the food quarters in a brisk walk. Perhaps I will get more than leftovers this time. Most of the time training would end so late that there would barely be any meal left.

"Look who it is?" A tall slim man with a shaded scar across his cheek approached me. If I remembered correctly from the rumors, this was one of the founding Assassins. "Name's Kaddo. I've heard much about you from the boss himself. How's that training going?"

"He doesn't go easy on me, that's for sure." The thought of all the countless times my ass hit the ground made me scowl. It reminded me how sore my body still was and would remain.

Kaddo cackled loudly.

"I'm sure he doesn't. But I bet you fifty gold that your day of training wasn't as taxing as mine." Kaddo began rambling about some undercover work he had been doing on this band of rogues called The Faceless. Apparently, it was growing in size at an incredible rate, and there was a fear that the organization would soon control the entire southern region. I only listened to half of the story. Most of my thoughts were on how good dinner smelled right now.

"Hey, you're still alive?" Reubyn walked up to us. He slapped my back and I winced. "Come sit with us!" He waved at Kaddo then pushed me away to where he sat.

Bazel was the only other one there.

"How's the boss treating you?" Bazel asked just as I took a big bite of chicken. I looked up, embarrassed. The others laughed through their food as I tried to chew up my large bite as quickly as I could.

"Vermilion has been teaching me a lot."

"Yeah, we noticed. You look like death." Bazel laughed. I bet he was right. As soon as I finished this food I was going to pass out.

"I am sure it will be worth it in the end." Reubyn nodded confidently.

"Oh it will be."

They both looked up at me, eyebrows raised.

"Well..." I picked twirled a piece of meat that hung off my fork. "Vermilion said if I pass his training then he will give me Debynn's sword."

"Wait, what?" Bazel and Reubyn looked at me surprised. I repeated the sentence again.

"No, we heard you. He's going to give you the sword?"

Reubyn gave Bazel a worried look.

"Only if I pass his training?" Hopefully, I didn't just give away a big secret.

"Don't let Illyana know that-"

"Know what" Illyana popped a seat next to her brother. "Tell me what, Bazel?" She asked again. He looked around at us. His eyes cried for help.

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