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This was asked for by ReflectionReaction! The reader is a cursed royal in this one. Thank you and enjoy!

Watching the child, you just helped run off, you looked up at the setting sun. You don't have much longer. It would be best to get home before dark. In the daytime, when you're a dragon, the predators of the forest don't even think about attacking you. However, when you're human at night, you're a free meal. It's part of your curse that the evil dragon put on you. All because your stupid stepmom, the queen, made a deal with the black dragon. You're used to in now though. 

Feeling the wind shift, you sniffed the air. Your scales rustling when you smelt the strong magic. He's starting to get more persistent.

"Found you, (Y/N)!" Jumping out of the way at the golden magic ball, you turned to the black dragon, right behind you.

His eyes and nostrils were glowing with his magic. You could see that Attor was furious that he missed you again.  Deciding to tease him, you flapped your wings to throw a little dust at him. It didn't faze him, but he looked more annoyed.

"Awe, don't be mad, Attor." You chirped, "I'm just better at dodging magic than you are at casting it."

"I got you the first time." He snapped.

"On accident." You scoffed, "You weren't even aiming at me. You know honestly, I don't think you're even trying to hit me now."

Watching him puff up, you knew you got under his scales. Running into the forest, you spread your wings and flew up. Barely dodging another magic blast from him. His frustrated growl sounding through the forest, but it made you laugh.

"Hold still you little vixen." He roared, before you flew off the path and landed on a branch behind a tree.

"You think I'm tempting?" You teased, hearing his tired sigh, "Face it Atto, you would miss my fine tail if you turned me back into a full human. I dare say I'm better looking as a dragon."

"You look fine either way." His voice sounded close now.

Glancing around, you yelped as a magic blast went up in front of you. Barely missing you. Falling off the branch, you wrapped your tail around it. Dangling from the branch so you were looking Atto in his eyes upside down.

"You weren't born dragon though." He reminded you, "The curse should never have gone to you."

Letting the tree go, you flipped to land on your claws, "Maybe not, but I love being a dragon. I have you to thank for this."

Saying that, you nuzzled your head under his as you walked. Making sure to run your tail under his head as well. He almost looked like he would purr at that. It was enough to make you chuckle, before he snapped out of his trance. His golden eyes going back to glowing with his magic.

"You've only been a dragon for 6 months. You're not ready for a lifetime of it." He huffed, making you scoff.

"I guess we'll see." You hummed, flying off before he could shoot more magic at you. 

Flying back to the trail, you looked up. The sky was almost black. Only a little bit of sunlight left. Over your shoulder, you could see Atto getting ready to fire more magic at you. Sighing, you turned back to the front. Your eyes widening when you saw rope stung out like a large spider web. Clearly it was meant for a dragon though, specifically you. Mentally praying the timing would be right, you flew faster. Tucking your wings in and closing your eyes when you were close to the trap.

Feeling warmth encase you, a laugh escaped you. The ground hurt slightly when you landed. You will admit that you don't care about your human form, but it has its perks. Such as avoiding traps meant for dragons. Seeing the ball of magic fly over your head, you stood and turned to the trap. Atto was tangled up in the ropes. Rope kept his wings open and kept his mouth shut. He can't fire magic at you like that. He looked helpless like that, but you know he can get out.

Glancing to the trees on the sides, you saw his apprentices trying to hide. They know they're in for a lecture. Waving to them, you moved to stand in front of Atto.  His golden eyes watching you in disappointment. It made you a little sad for him. Holding his head in your hands, you made sure he was looking you in your eyes. He won't believe you're serious otherwise.

"Atto, you have to give up. I will never go back to being a full human again. I won't go back to being rejected and hurt. I like helping people leave the forest. I love flying. I don't need to be cured." You explained, before kissing his nose with a smile, "Besides, you're a black dragon, you're not supposed to want to cure me. Thanks for the trap, Jake and Molly. See you all later."

Walking on down the path, you stopped when Atto flew down to you. Seems they got him out faster than you thought. Watching light engulf him, you crossed your arms as his human form stood in front of you.

"I'm not done with you." He sighed, making you shake your head as you walked around him.

"You never are."

"Dragon mating season is in two weeks." He snapped, grabbing your arm to stop you, "You've never been through it, but dragons have killed each other for mates they want. They have no control over themselves. I'm trying to save you from going through that."

"Then I'll just hide in a cave." You sighed, peeling his hand off, "I'm not all dragon, so the mating season shouldn't affect me like you."

"I will know where you are though." He reminded you, grabbing your hand while looking down, "If you return to being human then I won't hurt you on accident, again."

Letting that process, you were speechless. Sure, you always teased him about liking you, but you didn't think he actually did. Correction, he liked you enough to want you to be his mate. Plus, you only teased him because you actually like him. When you were a complete human, it was rumored that the black dragon could never love, which is what made him turn to dark magic. Clearly that's not true though. Kissing his cheek, you smiled when he looked at you, baffled.

"If you would have just asked, I would say yes." You grinned, squeezing his hand.

"You mean it? Even after I cursed you?" He sounded like he couldn't believe it.

"Just stop trying to cure me." You huffed, "Besides, one day when I go back to reclaim my throne, I'm going to need a true dragon with me that no one will dare challenge."

He only looked at you for a minute, before he chuckled, "I thought the evil plotting was supposed to be my job, but you're much better at it."

"What can I say, maybe some of your dark magic is rubbing off on me." You smirked, pulling him down by his horns for a kiss.

Stepping back as light covered him, you grinned at the dragon in front of you, "I'm your dragon then." 

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