Yandere Centaur

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Taking another look past the wall, you were satisfied with how your patrol went. No fighting, no break ins, no attack from the local tribe. Just a nice calm evening. Considering that there were attacks almost every night when the humans first got here, this is a major improvement.

Glancing towards the forest, you paused when you saw movement of a large animal. Grabbing the sword at your hip, you watched it, until you saw that it was a centaur. One of the local tribes, from the armor it wore. He stayed back in the forest, though he was clearly looking at you. Making no move to get closer to the wall. Despite his size, you could tell that he wasn't going to charge.

Nodding to him, you smirked when he nodded back. It seems that nodding is a form of acknowledgement to them too. Continuing to the gate, you could faintly see that he was following you too. A little weird, but you can deal with it for the couple minutes you had left. Glancing back at the centaur, you tried not to laugh when you saw that he was caught in some vines and was trying to cut them away. Which resulted in you tripping over some boxes.

Hearing the guy who was supposed to take your place laughing, you quickly got up. Glaring at him in annoyance.

"Glad my pain amuses you."

"It's not every day we see you make a mistake, Commander." He chuckled, "The others are going to love hearing this."

"If you don't tell them, I'll take you off patrol watch for a month." You bargained.

"Deal then." He hummed.

Looking back to the forest, you frowned when you saw that the centaur seemed to be laughing at you. Seems like everyone is wanting to laugh at you now.  Shaking your head, you headed to the stairs then turned back to the guard.

"Keep your eyes to the North. They've got a patrol out." You warned, before continuing home.

The second you got home; you heard your twin sister in the kitchen. Sitting at the table, you sighed.

"Sounds like it was an interesting time." She hummed, "Want to talk about it?"

"I'm about to become the laughingstock of everyone in the guard for the next three days and the centaurs are getting closer to the wall." You scoffed rolling your eyes, while she laughed.

"Do I want to know what happened or should I save you the embarrassment?" She teased.

"Please, just stop. You're a senator, shouldn't you be all business?" You pouted.

"Not for you, (Y/N)." Rolling your eyes again, you couldn't help but laugh with her.

That laughter was drowned out when you heard screaming outside. Exchanging confused looks with (S/N), you put a hand on your sword as you ran outside. Barely having time to stop as a centaur ran past. 

"I thought you all were working on a deal with them?" You growled, drawing your sword.

"It's not official yet, but they shouldn't be attacking us." She yelled, as you surveyed to find some reason why this was happening.

Your eyes widening when you saw a centaur ride by and snatch a girl up. Several more doing the same.

"We need to go." You ordered, putting a hand on her back to guide her to the stables. 

There is a place outside the walls where the council agreed to go should this town get attacked. It's important that the senators get there. Staying in the shadows of the buildings, you guided your sisters there safely. Without being spotted by a centaur, thankfully.

"Should we really leave?" She whispered as you helped her onto your horse.

"Do you want to be taken prisoner?" You asked, "Hang on tight. They'll probably chase us."

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