Yandere Werewolf and Yandere Vampire: Rowan

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Tying to listen for any sound, you tried to figure out where you were. With a blind over your eyes, you're hoping you can figure out where you are before you escape. If you can escape his magic. You could hear seagulls and water splashing. You're neat the ocean. Hearing Jake walking towards you, there was a loud echo to each of his steps. Sounds like you're in a warehouse. You know where you're at.

"I don't get why you're still refusing me." He growled, "I'm one of the most powerful being. You should be begging to be with me."

"What can I say. I don't care for me who put themselves before me." You scoffed, wincing when you felt him grip your jaw.

"Keep up that attitude and I'll seal your pretty little mouth shut." He threatened, before there was a loud growl, and his hand was suddenly gone. 

You could hear that there was some kind of fight going on. There was a lot of cussing, but you couldn't make out the voices clearly. Screaming as you suddenly couldn't feel the ground under you, you knew that he was going to kill you. You felt yourself being thrown, but you also felt someone wrap around you protectively. When you landed, you rolled a little on impact. Ending up under the person who saved you.

"Darling?" The voice rumbled as you felt a claw lift your blind.

Rowan was kneeling over you in his werewolf form. He seemed relieved that you were okay. He cut the ropes binding you and helping you up with ease. Though he instantly growled protectively when there were the sounds of shuffling. Putting you behind him so you had to peek over his shoulder to see what was happening.

"Never thought a villain would act as a hero." Jake laughed, looking almost like he was about to keel over.

"This isn't me acting like a hero." Rowan barked out a harsh laugh, "This is me taking my chosen mate back. It's me making sure no one lays a hand or magic on my Darling ever again. Heros don't kill."

Finally noticing all the werewolves coming up behind Jake, you knew what was going to happen. Burying your face in Rowan's shoulder, you tried to block out Jake's screams as he was attacked. Even when it went quiet, you didn't look.

"Clean up and leave the body for my brother. Leave a note saying that he doesn't deserve my darling." Rowan ordered before turning to you, "Darling, are you okay?"

"I'm okay." You nodded.

"Good. I hated that he threatened to do anything to your pretty lips, because I wouldn't have been able to do this." you were confused for a minute, before squeaking as he kissed you.

It was exactly how you imagined a werewolf kiss. Animalistic and hungry. Leaving you breathless when he let you go.

"My annoying brother went to get approval to save you. Luckily for us, I don't need permission." He chuckled, picking you up, "I want to get out of here before they do get here though."

Glancing at the other werewolves as he carried you outside, you saw that they already had most of the mess cleaned up. With how many there were, it wasn't really a surprise. Looking up at him again, you saw that he had turned back into a human.

"So, we should finish our dinner date." Rowan decided, sliding into the waiting car and setting you on his lap, "After that, we'll get set up our room with some stuff you like."

"I get you saved me, but what makes you think I'm just going to live with you?" You questioned, earning a side smirk from him.

"What makes you think I'm going to let you leave?" He growled, making your face flush as you looked away.

"We'll let your job know that you're quitting since I'm going to give you everything anyway." He listed, "It will keep you away from my brother and creeps like that magic guy."

Figuring that there was no point in arguing with him, you nodded. You can't hide anywhere because he has werewolves all over the place. Not to mention he probably has connections to powerful people. If he's ever caught for kidnapping, you're sure they would just let him go. 

"So long as you don't do anything evil anymore." you bargained with him.

"Fine, I won't do anything evil." He promised grinning, "I can't say much for my other pack members though. Now isn't it normal for the hero to get a kiss for being good?"

Rolling your eyes, you chuckled before kissing him. It's not normal, but if he's going to treat you like he says he is a kiss now and then is fine.

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