Yandere Kelpie

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This was requested by MiscellaneousFan! Thank you for the request and I hope it's close to what you were wanting!

Keeping silent as you father talked to Archie, you tried not to glare at them. You have nothing to say to Archie. You don't even like him, he seems to like you thought for some reason.  Glancing out the window from boredom, you smirked slightly when you saw what looked like glowing yellow eyes peering into the window. You've seen those mesmerizing eyes before and you're happy that they're so close to the house this time.

"That sounds good. What do you think, (Y/N)?" Blinking from your thoughts, you turned to see everyone watching you in what seemed like anticipation. You weren't paying attention at all.

"Um, sure, sounds fine to me." You pretended to yawn, "I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Night everyone."

Before anyone could say anything, you hurried to your room. Opening the window, eagerly knowing that the creature the eyes belonged to was close by. The owner of the eyes never comes to your window, but they do something else that makes you enchanted by them. 

Sighing when you heard the singing, you closed your eyes to enjoy it. The deep smooth voice always seemed to calm you down and even almost lull you to sleep. It's a song that you want to always have with you, no matter what you have to do to keep it. 

There is one this that always comes with it though. Looking out towards the river, where you heard the scream with the singing. Along the river bank, you saw what looked like a white horse with Archie standing right by it. His scream attracted a couple of people who ran to them with weapons. Probably villagers who will try to kill the kelpie again. It's been killing a lot of people, but you've known that even before most of the other people in the town. 

They were going to kill the Kelpie, which doesn't sit well with you. Pulling on a jacket with gloves and climbing out the window, you started coming up with a plan as you ran to the river. Coming up with the only plan you could think of to distract monster hunters.

"Help!" you screamed gaining their attention. Enough so that the kelpie was able to jump back into the water. Dragging a screaming Archie with him and briefly gaining the hunters attention again. Just to seem more distressed, you stumbled a little. Throwing yourself into the arms of one of the hunters as you pretended to cry.

"He's after me! I thought he was going to catch me and eat me." You sobbed.

"We almost had that devil Kelpie." one of the hunters growled, "What reason could you have had to let it get away?"

"Calm down." The one holding you cooed, "What happened?"

"I was trying to get home from my travels so I stopped to take a break. It attacked from above. I managed to dodge it and ran, but it started to chase me." You whimpered, "It almost looked human, but it was ugly and it wore a red cap."

At the description, they all went tense. Even exchanging glares with each other.

"We will handle it. How far was it? Where is it?" He asked, before you pointed to the forest that was getting darker with the setting sun.

"It was in there somewhere. I don't know how long I ran."

"Understood. We will kill it. Best get home." He ordered, "That horse that you saw was a monster. It may come back to kill you."

"Okay. Please kill it." You pleaded, before the ran to the forest, like the idiots they are. Hearing a almost hypnotic humming, you turned around to see a boy with glowing eyes. He seemed curious about you, but not afraid.

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