Yandere Mummy pt 2

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This was requested by MysteriousAnimeWeeb! This will still be in his POV, just like the first one. Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Things are going perfectly since my rise to power about two years ago. Nodding in acceptance of the gift the American's sent me, I glanced over at Abasi. 

Unlike others, I did not have to use my powers to make him obey me. The fake leaders of my homeland had tried to defy me as much as they could, with their armies and modern weapons. I easily overpowered them though and turned their army and weapons into mine. There was even a small group of rebels that I had to use my powers so they would obey me. All of them now have the lowest jobs, according to my lovely (Y/N) and Abasi. Maintenance jobs to keep my modern city running and construction work. They build my palace rather quickly and are building a museum, upon (Y/N)'s request.  They've even built rooms with advanced technology to make the rooms colder. Thank the gods for whoever created AC. 

The lower class have accepted me as their ruler and continue on with their lives as if nothing changed, which made everything easier. They pay their taxes, obey the laws, and are slowly starting to return to worshiping the gods of old. Many even celebrated when (Y/N) and I got married.

"I understand Pharoh." Abasi bowed, "I will tell the others to wait for another day. Shall I prepare your horse?"

"Yes." I nodded smiling at the idea I came up with, "It has been a while since we've had a parade. I think the people should be rewards for their cooperation and good behavior."

Watching him bow as he left, I smiled to myself. I'm sure (Y/N) would want to see the progress of the museum, so while we're going having the parade, they can take a look at the museum, and it can be counted as a date. An enjoyable time for everyone, involved. 

In fact, I think I'll let (Y/N) know, myself. Motioning for my lion, Lisimba to follow, we went to (Y/N)'s study. Despite me telling them that I can hire workers to do this job for them, (Y/N) insists on looking at artifacts themself. Reaching the large doors, I cracked one open, but stopped when I heard another voice inside, that didn't belong to (Y/N).

"I'm telling you again, you have to help." That sounded like Abasi. He was supposed to be setting my horse up for the parade.

"I don't have to do anything." At (Y/N)'s sigh, I peeked in to see that Abasi practically had them trapped in a corner of the room, "Frankly, I don't know why you want to kill King Cepeos. He's been nothing but kind to you."

"He destroyed the Egyptian government. The same one that allowed you and your old excavation crew to explore here. You owe them freedom for that." He growled grabbing (Y/N)'s arm. That did it for me.

"Lisimba, get him." I barked opening the door. Watching as Lisimba charged at him and tackled him to the ground. The lioness, I got for (Y/N) joined Lisimba, though they didn't kill him.

"You owe your life to (Y/N)." I growled moving closer and wrapping an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders, "If it wasn't for them, I would have had you working with the others.  This though, this is beyond forgivable."

I could see him pale as they tried to squirm to get away. The grip the lions had on his arms prevented him from escaping. Feeling (Y/N), lightly pull at my shirt, I glanced at them. I could tell that they were pleading with me to be kind, but after what I saw and heard, I can't be. I can always find another helper.

"Abasi, you have plotted to kill me, your pharaoh, you tried to comit treason against all of Egypt, and", I glanced at (Y/N)'s arm to see a large bruise forming, ", you've harmed my spouse. All of these crimes are unforgivable. There for, you are sentenced to death, by being mauled by lions. Should the lions not finish you, then your body will be fed to the crocodiles of the Nile. Lisimba take him away." 

Hearing Abasi's screams as he was dragged away, I turned to (Y/N), to see that they looked a little troubled. They shouldn't be worried about him though.

"What is wrong, My Gem. Surely you are not worried about the one who hurt you." I sighed, keeping my arm around them, but leading them down the halls.

"It's not that, Pharoh."

"Cepeos or Husband to you." I teased them. I can't seem to get them to say my name, which is a little upsetting to me. Others call me by my title to show their respect. (Y/N) is my spouse though. I want them to see themself as my equal.

"Cepeos," They sighed, "I'm worried that you won't be able to find someone to help you keep peace with the other world leaders. Many other nations are already talking about going to war against you. Abasi could have helped you by giving excuses for some of disapproved actions. Especially when you took over the countries around us. They others don't know how you did things 5000 years ago."

"That is their problem, My Gem." I hummed, pulling them to a stop by the large horse, "We have done nothing but taken what is rightfully ours. If I became Pharoh when I was supposed to, those lands would have been mine anyway. If you are worried that the others will send their armies then don't worry. They won't lay a hand on you."

Giving them a kiss, I pulled back and smiled when I saw that their worried face was gone, replaced with red embarrassment. I much rather see them like this that worried about politics. Picking them up, I pushed them onto the horse then got on behind them. The large horse was a gift from England. (Y/N) has said that this horse is known for being one of the biggest in the world, so I accepted. I even sent a present back to the Queen to show my appreciation.

"Besides, Gem, those leaders have no royal blood. Why should I fear those who don't even have royal blood in them?" I laughed, checking to make sure my animals were lined up behind us. Each one has done this before, so they know how they have to behave. Watching the palace doors open, I moved the horse to the top of the stairs but stopped it when I saw all the armed soldiers on the ground before us. Even from here, I could see that each one had a weapon and there were even larger weapons towards the back of the group.

Hearing (Y/N) whimper, I glanced down at them in surprise. I've never seen them afraid, but it doesn't make me happy. Glaring at the soldiers, I wrapped an arm around (Y/N), just to make them feel safer. With my other hand, I waved it over the army. Watching as they all seemed to go tense.

"Drop your weapons and bow to us!" I ordered, smirking when I saw them all obey, "See, my Gem? Hundreds fall to our feet, with a simple command from me. When I say that you are safe, I mean it. If I have to burn the whole world to see that you get the respect you deserve, then so be it."

Sealing the magic in army to make them our slaves, I grinned down at (Y/N). They looked absolutely surprised but looked up at me with a small smile.

"Thank you, Cepeos." They seemed much calmer now, which made me happy.

"Of course, My Gem." I hummed, kissing them again, "Now let's go. I was thinking that we check on the progress of your museum after the parade."

When they nodded excitedly, I knew that everything was going to be better than before.

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