Mafia Boss Orc

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This was requested by LizardQueen1! Thank you for the request! Also, the song is 'When I Fall In Love' by Doris Day. This takes place in the 1940's so I used some slang from that time. Enjoy! 

"Is everything ready?" You asked, checking your outfit one last time. Your father owns this club. It's not very popular, but it's getting there at least. He says it's gotten more popular since you started singing there.
"We're good to go." The stage manager whispered handing you the mic. Letting out a deep breath to calm your nerves, you nodded. Your dad had said that there would be an important visitor tonight. You wanted to make sure you did your best to leave an impression.
Watching the curtain rise, you started to sing.

"When I fall in love it will be forever or I'll never fall in love. In a restless world like this is, love is ended before its begun and too many moonlight kisses seem to cool in the warmth of the sun."

Walking towards the edge of the stage, you surveyed the crowd of various races. Surely your dad would be with the important customer. 

"When I give my heart it will be completely or I'll never give my heart ,and the moment I can feel that you feel that way too, is when I fall in love with you."

Finally spotting him, you noticed that he was with a group of Orc and elves. It must be a business deal.  You know better than to get involved in something like that. Though you tried not to stumble over your words when you saw the Orc at the end of the table. He was definitely a dish, wait you're in the middle of work. You have to focus.

"And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too is when I fall in love with you."

Finishing up, you have a small smile and a bow as everyone erupted into cheers. Some even standing to throw flowers at you. One of which, you caught. Stepping back as the curtain closed, you let out a sigh. 

"Good work, (Y/N)." The manager called, "You're done for the night."
Nodding, you slipped out towards the bar. For some reason, you feel tense tonight. Something to give you a buzz should help. 

"I figured you would be over here." The bartender, Mat chuckled handing you a drink. 

"You make me sound like a souse." You chuckled pulling out some money. Sure you might work here and your father might be the owner, but you still prefer to pay. 

"No need. Someone already paid for your drink." Mat explained nodding towards the table of orcs and elves, "The big orc on the end here paid for it." 

Glancing over, you frowned slightly. You weren't a fan of people paying drinks for you. Sure a lot of people offer to pay for your drinks, but you would turn them down. It felt more like favors to you and you don't like to owe others. Even if it's from an attractive guy like him. 

"Give him another of whatever drink he has." You sighed handing Mat the money. At your actions, he raised an eyebrow with a smirk. 

"Are does the little star have a crush?" He teased making your face burn, "Awe your blushing. You must." 

"No, I'm blushing because you are absolutely embarrassing me." You coughed, finishing the rest of your drink, "I'm heading home. Night Mat." 

He only nodded as you left. Giving a small waver to your dad as you left. Accidentally locking eyes with the orc. He was definitely a looker. Buff enough to rival a centaur, but the chances of him coming back here are slim to none. Probably best you forget about him. Reaching the door, you stumbled back as a group of fey walked in. 

"How cute, the little singer came to greet us." One chuckled. You faintly remember this group. They had to be taken out for disruptive behavior. 

"I was sure you all were told not to come back." You sighed. Glaring as one of them wrapped their arm around your waist. 

"Aww, you're shy." Another hummed. Getting annoyed, you backed away. Maybe going out the back way would be better. Turning to leave, you hissed as they grabbed your arm tightly. 

"Get your hands off my Song Bird." Looking up at the unfamiliar growl, you immediately looked down when you saw the orc standing right behind you. He was definitely bigger when he was standing. Immediately, the fey let you go. Now appearing cautious with the orc here. 

"We're just having some fun." The first fey giggled nervously. That only earned a glare from the orc as he pushed you behind him. 

"Not in my club. Leave, now." The fairies nodded and rushed out. Now that the disturbance is out of the way, you can focus on what the orc said. 

"Your club?" You questioned with a frown, "I'm glad you were able to get rid of them, but you don't own this club." 

"Actually, Song Bird, I do now." He chuckled holding up a piece of paper. Reading it over, you gasped when you saw it was the deed to the club. 

"I paid your father a lot of clams for this place. An offer he couldn't refuse and now that I own the place, I plan of giving everyone here a raise. Especially you." 

"You bought a whole club and its workers." You finally found your voice, "no one has that kind of money."

"I do." He smirked, "I have enough money to buy this club, make a business deal with the elves, and to take you out to eat tonight."

"T..Take me out to eat?" You coughed, not expecting that at all, "I, um, I don't know you though." 

That only got a smile from him, "It's James Hearken."

"Hearken as in," You almost couldn't finish the sentence, worried that he might get in trouble. He seemed to get that because he chuckled in amusement, with a nod.

"Yes, the mob boss. Now about that dinner." He hummed lightly draping an arm around your shoulders, "I know a killer diller restaurant down the street."

"I mean yes, but why are you taking me out?" You asked. It's not that you're complaining, I mean you can't really. However, you never thought that the James Hearken would be asking you out after, what you could barely call, your first time meeting.

"Well," He hummed with a smile, "When I fall in love it will be forever, Song Bird."

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