Yandere Kraken

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This was requested by candy-lover405! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you like it :D

"Pull the sail up!" You screamed to your crew through the storm, "Finish tying those knots!" 

Grabbing a rope with several others, you pulled with them. Of all times for a storm to begin, it was when you had to pass these waters. The over the deepest part of the ocean where it's said that the monsters of the deep make their home. You don't believe in that stuff, but your crew certainly do.

"Captain (Y/N), Hopper fell over board." Your first mate, Rory screamed at you. Of course someone had to fall over now. Following him to the back, you held on to the rail and ducked as a wave splashed over board. Scanning the water, you could see Hopper, struggling to stay afloat.  Grabbing some spare rope you had, you tied one end to a near by mast then tied the other end around your waist. Tying the end of another rope around the mast, you turned to Rory.

"The second you I have him, you pull us in." You ordered, "Tell the men to lower all sails, until we are back on this ship."

Pulling your sword out, you briefly glanced down at the dark waters. You might not believe in monsters, but you knew that sharks were a real thing. If one plans to have you for dinner, you would make sure it eats your sword first. Diving into the water, you made sure that your sword sliced through the water first. Incase there was anything waiting for you. Luckily there wasn't, so you began swimming towards Hopper. Trying to keep your head up so you could see him. Finally reaching him, you grabbed him by the back of his shirt to help keep him up. Even tying the second rope around his waist.

"Hopper, are you okay?" You asked, noticing that he was pale and shaking though the water wasn't that cold.

"Captain, there's something in the water." He whimpered, catching you attention immediately.

"What did you see? A shark, a squid?" You demanded, though he didn't say. Sighing, you shook your head then dove under the water. Scanning, for any possible danger. You didn't see any thing though. Going back up for a breath, you noticed that he was still scanning the water in absolute fear as you both swam back to the ship. Just to put him more at ease, you dove back under. Looking around until you heard a sound that sounded like a deep growl. Nothing should be growling out here. 

Keeping your sword close, you turned in the water, before looking down. Noticing what looked like something grey moving towards you from below. You went to move away, but froze when you saw what looked like green, blue, and yellow lights appearing from the deep below in the dark water, to just in front of you where you now saw what looked like a giant. It almost looked human, but the bottom half was that of a squid, a very large squid. Now that you looked closer, the thing coming towards you was its hand. Setting just below you, so you were practically standing in the palm of it's hand. It's glowing green eyes were very hypnotic as it watching you. A razor sharp toothed smile it's face. 

The creature was so large and surprising that it took your breath away. Wait, you're not breathing, you're running out of air. Now realizing that your chest was going numb, you clawed your way back to the surface. Taking a last look over your shoulder at the creature, but it had somehow vanished. A creature that big shouldn't be able to vanish in seconds like that. Now horrified, you gasped for air. That creature could easily take down your ship if it wanted to.

"Hopper, get to the ship." You ordered shoving him closer as you swam desperately. Helping him climb on as the other crew members started to help you both on. You couldn't even stand where you were pulled onto the deck.

"Captain, what happened?" Rory asked, "You were down there for a long time. We thought you died."

Realizing that you were still trying to get your breath, you looked up at your crew who were watching you in concern. With the storm settling down, none of them are as worried. They should be though.

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