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"(Y/N), you can go home." Glancing at your boss with a nod, you stepped away from the counter to let your coworker take over for you. This part time job at the café was how you were making it through college. Getting hit on all the time by customers wasn't your favorite part, but you've become a master at dodging their advances. Hanging your apron up, you grabbed your stuff and was going to leave when you noticed a kid outside the café. If you recalled she had been there several hours earlier. With it being winter, you didn't know how she could be standing out there in the cold for so long. Frowning, you stepped out and carefully put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. You were immediately drawn to her small tusks and green skin. An orc child, probably eight years old if you had to guess.

"Sweetie, what are you doing out here?" You asked crouching down to her height.

"Daddy's girlfriend left me here." She whimpered, "She said she would be back."

Glancing around at the crowd, you frowned when you didn't see anyone looking worried. If she's been gone for hours of her own free will, you doubt she'll be back soon.

"Sweetie, why don't you come inside. You'll get some food and it's warmer inside. You'll still be here when she comes back." you offered. She seemed hesitant, but finally nodded, grabbed your hand and let you lead her inside.

"Back so soon (Y/N)? You just can't keep away from this place." Your coworker teased making you roll your eyes as you picked the child up and set her on the counter.

"Haha, very funny. I forgot how to laugh." You huffed, before turning to her with a smile, "Choose whatever you want sweetie."

Her eyes instantly went wide as she looked over the menu. Your coworker giving you a look of confusion with eyes just as wide as hers.

"She's been standing outside for hours on her own, because she was left here." You explained, earning a head nod from him.

"Can I have hot chocolate and a chicken sandwich?" She questioned as if asking you for permission. Nodding, you paid for her food then lead her to a table to wait.

"Thank you. You're a really nice person." She chirped.

"You can just call me (Y/N)." You giggled as she nuzzled against your side, "What' s your name?"

"Naz." She hummed, "My daddy named me. He's the best daddy in the world." 

"I'm sure he is." You gave her a nervous chuckled, not wanting to hurt her feelings. You couldn't help but wonder what kind of father would let some woman out with his daughter like that. You wondered if he even knew where little Naz was. If he didn't know, then surely he would come looking for her.

"Naz, what does your daddy look like?" You asked as she grinned at the food and drink that was set before her.

"He's really big and really strong. He can easily pick up two grown human men." She listed, waving her arms around excitedly, "He looks like me, with long hair, and partly shaved. His name is Rok."

 Laughing at her cute actions, you settled her down and let her eat. Glancing out the window, for someone like that. After hours and the sun setting, no orc passed by with her descriptions. Frowning, you glanced at her. Your arms lightly draped over her as she was asleep against your side. You can't stay here, but you can't take her home. The police station would be best.

Picking her up, you nodded to your coworkers as you left. Immediately heading for the police station. Making sure to keep her tucked close so the cold wind wouldn't affect her to much.

"(Y/N), where are we going?" blinking down at her tired voice, you set her down.

"We're going to the police." You explained, "You can't come home with me and your daddy will probably look for you there." 

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