Naga (His Pov)

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This was asked for by ReactionReflection and Alexa1969349! The reader is a female and a mermaid in this one. Enjoy!

Watching the sunset beyond the ocean horizon, I frowned at it before turning my back to it. It reminds me to much of my (Y/N). Biting down a sob, I looked at the ring on my hand. My wife, the love of my life, used to have one just like it. I had them specially made when we got married. She was a wild as a storm wind, caring as a calm sea, and as beautiful as the sunset behind me. I've regretted it for the past 7 months, when I killed her. 

Our pirate crew was running from the royal navy. We were trapped between the navy armada and the mother of all storms. (Y/N) had pleaded with me to go around the storm before we reached it. I believed that the navy would capture us then. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her being hung. When we were facing the storm, she pleaded for me to turn around. That we could always escape the prisons. I thought our luck with the navy had run out. That we wouldn't get another chance. She had tried to tell me something else, but a fallen mast had hit her. Knocking her into the dark waters below.

The crew had to restrain me from going after her. I never saw her again. We escaped, but it didn't feel like it to me. For months, I tried searching for her. My crew mutiny against me just a week ago. They were tired of searching and wanted to keep raiding and pillaging. So, here I am. Abandoned in the middle of the ocean, with little supplies left. I bet sooner or later the monsters of the deep will come to do me in. At this point, I'm willing to let them kill me. Being a naga, it was already hard to get anyone to accept me. (Y/N) did though. She even married an old sea dog like me. I was okay with losing everything as long as I had her. I don't even have that though.

Blinking when I heard the faint beautiful humming, I sighed. It sounds like it will be a mermaid that kills me. Sitting up, I looked around at the dark waters. It's now dark, but I can still see easily. I could see the shimmer of the mermaid tail as she circled my boat. Her tail making small waved and rocking the boat gently. Watching her get closer, I became aware of the wordless singing she was performing. I know she's trying to hypnotize me into joining the water with her, but I can only think of (Y/N). When her webbed hands appeared on the side of the boat, I expected a sharped toothed, scaled monster. Instead, my breath froze in my throat when I saw (Y/N). I knew the monsters of the deep were cruel, but this is too much.

"There is no reason to torture me like this." I growled, trying not to cry, "I've been punishing myself. Yet yer wearing my wife's face to trick me. Only demons would do that."

"Your heart should be with the sea. Just as it always has." She whispered, holding her hand out to me, "You can be completely one with it now, Captain."

Looking at her hand, I blinked at the ring. It can't be though. Grabbing her hand, I stayed still when she tried to pull me overboard. Instead, I turned her hand to get a better look at the ring. The ring that it exactly like mine. I had heard stories that some mermaids were drowned women of the sea. I never believed them though until now. 

"(Y/N)." I gasped, making her inviting smile turn upside down.

When she tried to pull away, I gripped her hand tighter. Fear on her face as the water around us started to splash more. Probably from her tail.

"(Y/N), it's me." I managed to speak over the waves, "Don't ye recognize me? Collin?  Yer husband?"

"Let me go." She screamed, this time succeeding in escaping my grasp and going back into the water.

I looked over the side in time to see her shimmer disappear into the darkness below. It hurts so much. I finally found her, but she doesn't remember me. She's scared of me. Even more, she escaped from me. I don't if I scared her away permanently now. Swallowing a scream, I curled my tail around myself then laid down to sleep. Managing to keep my sobs silent as I drifted to sleep.

It was a seagulls scream that woke me up. I was instantly on alert, since a seagull means I'm close to shore. Looking around, I was surprised to see that the boat was on a beach. It looks like I drifted onto an island. In the jungle, not too far off, I could see some kind of treehouse. Looks like someone was stranded here before. I wonder if they ever got off. Sighing, I remembered last night and my (Y/N). Turning to the ocean, I gasped when I saw (Y/N) not too far from the shore.

Her head was poking out of the water as she watched me. A pout on her face, that I remember very well. Something troubling her. Giving her a smile and a wave, I slowly slithered closer to her. The water was slightly cold, but I ignored it as I approached her. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes, glaring at me in mistrust, though she didn't move. Looking down at her tail, I saw that there was a fisherman's net wrapped around her and keeping her in place. I'm sure otherwise she would have swum back towards the briny deep.

"Blimey, (Y/N)." I chuckled hoping to put her at ease, "Even as a mermaid, you still get yerself tangled in trouble."

Pulling hard on the rope, I felt it come lose. I expected her to swim away when it was, but instead she swam towards the shore. Looking back at me as if she expected me to follow her. I did so, without question or hesitation. By the time I reached her, she had pulled herself to sit on a rock. This time allowing me to see her completely. Her and her swollen stomach. I had to brace my tail on the sandy bottom to keep from sinking from shock. I didn't even know she was pregnant. That has to be what she wanted to tell me before she went overboard.

Climbing onto the rock by her, I used my claws to cut the rest of the net off her tail. It's so different from mine, but just as beautiful. Feeling her eyes on me, I looked back at her.

"Who are you?" She demanded, frowning at me, "Why did I want to save you?"

She does remember. Well, not really, but her instinct is telling her. She just doesn't understand. I will be more than happy to help her remember.

"I..." I swallowed the lump in my throat to start over, then showed her my ring, "My name is Collin. We were married. You were....are my wife."

She grabbed my hand to examine the ring, the compared it to the one she wore. Her eyes softening a little when she looked back up at me. I've missed her so much and now she's here again.

"What happened?" She asked, making me suck in a breath as she held a cold hand to my face, "You look like you could break at any moment."

"I reckon I could." I attempted to chuckled, as I leaned into her touch, "I thought you were with Davey Jones. I thought I sent you to him way to early. We didn't even get to talk about this."

Motioning to her stomach, I saw her sigh as she rubbed it, "So you know me. It's almost scary how much you seem to know about me. Can you tell me? Will...Will you stay here and help me remember?"

"Ye don't even have to ask." I assured her, kissing her hand.

Wrapping my tail around hers, I was pleased that I could wrap around her more with her tail. It's just that much more to hug and cuddle with. Setting her on me, I wrapped my arms around her. She seemed surprised at that but leaned against me. Setting like this, I could feel that baby move. It's a good thing that this was the way she loved to be held when she was human.

"It seems like I just meet you, but you're oddly comforting to me." She hummed, making me smile.

"Blimey, I missed you so much." I chuckled, squeezing her gently, "Now, where do ye want me to begin?"

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