Yandere Phantom of the Opera

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His Pov. I also used a verse from the song, "The Music of the Night" from the movie.

There she is. My new angel of music. While it's true that I've spend decades obsessing over Christine, I can't very well obsess over someone who is dead. Besides, Christine's granddaughter, (Y/N), has a voice that is stronger that her grandmother's.

With the voice of her grandmother's and the courage of that idiot Raoul, (Y/N) had bought the opera house that I burnt years ago. She's been determined to restore it to it's former glory, despite the horrible rumors around it. That it's haunted by a phantom, by me. I've kept watch over her while she rebuilds it though. I've been killing those who are trying to distract her or make a mess of our opera house.

"(Y/N), where do you want this angel at?" A man carrying a golden angel questioned.

"Set it by the the entry door to the seats." She called, hurrying past him with a clipboard in her hands. Approving her decision, I flew after her. Glaring at the man and woman on the stage.

The woman is absolutely horrible at singing. Nothing compared to (Y/N). The man isn't to bad at singing, but if he would stop trying to take My Angel on dates, that would be a lot better.

"Victoria, sing higher, please." (Y/N) called, earning a glare from the woman.

"If you think you can go any higher then go ahead." The woman scoffed.

I smirked at the annoyed sigh (Y/N) gave, before she took in a deep breath. Letting out a high note that wasn't pitchy or shaky. It was so perfect that I'm surprised actual angels didn't come down to steal her away. Even the whole opera house went silent to listen.

"Now, if you can reach that note, it would be better for the show. If not, we can find another singer." Smiling at how direct she was, I followed her to her office that used to be Christine's dressing room. I didn't go in though. I may be an actual ghost now, but I still want to respect her privacy.

"Who does she think she is?" Raising an eyebrow at the woman's scream, I went back to the stage. Finding that woman, Victoria, in a rage.

"Tori, calm down." The man sighed.

"No. I am the star of this show. She won't be able to replace me if she tried. You know what I quite. We'll see just how well this ridiculous show does with out me." Watching the woman storm off, I smiled.

Things are going a lot more smoothly than with Christine. If I can just get rid of that singer boy and find a host with an appearance that's close to mine, then everything will be set in place.

"I'll go let (Y/N) know that we need a new singer." the singer boy called, though I noticed him fixing his shirt and hair. I already know what he's going to do and I need to put a stop to his constant pestering.

Flying up to the lightings, I pulled the strings, then watched them fall. Landing on him and at least three other people. Casualties, but I'm sure they were up to no good anyway. The screams made (Y/N) run out, on stage.

"Get these lights away and get an ambulance, now." She screamed, helping some workers move the people, while others lifted the light fixtures. It wasn't long before they were carried away by medics.

That leaves one more thing for me to do. I'm sure with all these people here, I can find a suitable host. Flying around, I finally found one. A man with black hair and blue eyes. He's a little more muscular than I was, but I believe that will be better to help (Y/N). Smirking, I flew straight at him. Feeling everything become dark as I suddenly felt a little heavy.

Leaning against the wall to keep from falling, I blinked my eyes open to adjust. I haven't had a body in, who knows how long. I'm sure it won't take me long to adjust though. It actually didn't take long at all. Picking up a large vase of flowers, I grinned. I'm definitely happy I choose a stronger body. I just hope these flowers will be enough for (Y/N).

"Ma'am, I have some flowers for you." At least my voice sounds like mine. It will make singing to My Angel of Music, easier. If I was able to woe Christine with my voice, I'm sure I can do the same with (Y/N). Knocking on her office door, I waited until she told me to enter.

"Oh, flowers. Um I believe Victoria will want those in her changing room." (Y/N) sighed, barely looking up from the piles of papers on her desk.

"These are for you." I explained, which made her look up in confusion, "I was hoping it would be a reason for me to try out for the lead male role."

She seemed hesitant for a minute but finally nodded as I set the flowers on a corner of her desk, "Begin when you're ready."

"Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me to glance behind, the phantom of the opera is there. Inside your mind."

Finishing singing a simple verse, I grinned at her when I saw that her face was slightly red. She was watching me with clear bewilderment in her (E/C) eyes. I've caught her interest. If I keep up my singing with her, it won't be long before she's mine. All my work will pay off.

"Should I believe I got the part based on your expression." I chuckled, taking a flower from the vase and holding it out to her. My words must have brought her back her, because she blinked as if she was pulling out of a trance.

"Y..yes you did." She chuckled, accepting the flower from me. Now to push us a little closer.

"Also, Victoria said that she quiet."

"I see." She sighed, suddenly looking tired, " I suppose I'll have to find a lead female singer as well in three days."

"Or you could sing?" I offered almost questioningly, so she wouldn't get mad, "You sounded like you know all the lead female parts and if I may say, you're singing is the most beautiful I or anyone has heard."

"That's sweet of you." She chuckled, the smile returning to her face.

"I dare say that you must be an angel of music." I pressed on, "There isn't much time to train a new person on all the parts and songs."

"You have a point." She hummed, before smirking over at me, "Looks like you talked me into it. I'll sing for this show with you."

"Excellent." Grabbing her hand with both mine, I shook it like I was making a deal. I actually really just wanted to hold her hand. As a phantom, I wasn't able to touch or hold her, which is agonizing when I am close to her. I've waited a long time for this.

"What's your name?" She questioned.

"You may call me Erik, My Angel of Music."

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