Yandere Alien

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Looking up at the clock, you frowned. Your dad is never late for dinner. He's been gone nearly 3 hours past the time he's normally home. Heading back to the living room, you decided to try video calling him again. It took a little while, but he finally answered. Sounding out of breath and clearly sweating.

"Hey, Dad. Tough day at work?" You asked.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry I'm not there right now." He panted, "There's something you have to do."

Your eyes widened when you noticed that your screen went black, except for a red blinking light and a faint shadow of your dad. Confused, you swiped your finger on your phone to put the screen on your T.V. for a better view. Showing that he was actually running.

"Dad, what's going on? Are you okay?" You questioned, now concerned.

"(Y/N), get your emergency bag and get to the panic room." He ordered, "I don't have time to explain. Just do it."

You didn't even get to ask any questions before there was a loud explosion on his side and he disappeared from view. The only thing you saw was the ceiling of the building and the strange white and blue creature that appeared. It even picked up the phone, looking at you in what must have been confusion before it grinned and the phone when black.

Now your dad's orders made some sense. You don't want to meet whatever that thing was. Grabbing the blue bag from the hall closet, you ran to the library and opened a bookshelf. Revealing the stairs that went down, under the house. You always found it weird that your dad had this, but now, you were grateful for it.

Shutting the door as you heard an explosion, you knew that thing was here. You only prayed that it wouldn't find you.  Luck wasn't on your side though as the door was yanked open before you were able to take a step down the stairs. It even grabbed your arm to pull you out. Holding you off the ground nearly two feet.

"Let go!" You screamed, not caring if it understood you or not. Even kicking it a couple times didn't seem to faze it. It only seemed confused at your reaction. Looking over at the hole in the garage, you blinked in surprise when your dad stumbled in. He looked like he just got out of at least 3 fights, but still alive.

"Crux, let (Y/N) go."

"You know I can't do that. I'm saving (Y/N)." he sneered in a deep voice, "Ever since we meet, she has been the only one for you, you know that. That's why you sent me to that lab. You couldn't stand that (Y/N) and I were getting closer, could you? You wanted to keep me there to experiment on until the end of your planet."

"What are you talking about?" You growled, still trying to escape him, "I've never seen you before in my life."

The creature looked at you as if he was trying to figure something out, before his black eyes widened. Absolute horror on his face before he turned to your father with a growl. 

"You wiped (Y/N)'s memory of me?" He screamed, making you wince as his grip on you tightened.

"A human and your kind should never have a relationship like what you want." Your dad yelled back to him.

Looking between the two, you tried to understand what they were talking about. From what you can understand is that you knew Crux when you were little, you just don't remember him at all. Now he's saying he's saving you from, what, the end of the world?

"According to your world laws." Crux sneered, "Which will be destroyed in 30 Earth minutes. It's different in space. I'm taking (Y/N) with me. It will be a comfortable life and once we restore their memory, it will be better for us."

"You're not taking them." Your dad growled. 

Turning back to the alien, you felt your chest tighten when you saw what looked like some kind of weird gun pointed at you. Wasn't he supposed to be saving you? Why is he pointing a weapon at your head?

"It's only for a little while, (Y/N)." He hummed before your vision went white.

Sitting up with a gasp, you went into panic mode when you realized that you didn't know where you were. The room you were in was grey and the only thing that stood out was the large window. The window that looked out at your planet. Hearing a beep, you turned to a corner of the room, where an opening formed.

"You're already awake?" Crux sounded almost surprised as he got closer with a trey of what looked like food, "I was hoping you would wake up afterwards."

"After what exactly?" You growled, "Where's my dad?"

He frowned at he set the trey on your lap and sat on the bed by you.

"Your planet is going to be destroyed. Only a handful of humans are being saved. Some as pets, some like yourself as spouses, others for testing." He explained, "Your father is not one of the ones who are being saved. After what he did to both of us, he doesn't deserve to be saved."

"Excuse you?" You snapped, glaring at him, "My dad did nothing to me."

"He made you forget me!" He yelled, before he seemed to realize what he did and calmed down, "That was his job. Make people forget about creatures from space and take us to test labs. I know you don't remember, but we were friends. We even date."

Shaking your head, you tried to get straight on what was most important. Right now, that being the destruction of your planet. You can worry about your mixed-up memory later.

"My planet is being destroyed?" You pointed out carefully, catching his sigh of exhaustion.

"(Y/N), I'm trying to remind you of us." He grumbled, "The topic of your planet's destruction can wait."

Opening your mouth to argue, you snapped your head to the window when you saw the red explosion. Your planet was gone, though you didn't hear the explosion. There was nothing left. Your home, your dad, your friends, all of it was gone. Pushing the trey of food to the side, you curled up to try to calm yourself, though you still cried. 

"Why? Why did my planet have to be destroyed?" You whimpered, to upset to push him away when he pulled you into a hug.

"It happened because they separated us." He hummed, " Your father hated that I was planning on becoming your spouse."

"Marrying me?" You managed to choke out, "We were children. There's no way we would get married."

"(Y/N), that was only two years ago." He sighed, "I came around then we dated for nearly 1 Earth year. I told your father about me wanting to be your spouse. That's when he took me to the test lab and wiped your memory of me. It didn't take me long to decide that your planet needed to be destroyed because of that."

"You killed millions of people just because of me and my dad." You gasped, "You're crazy. There's no way I will marry."

His black eyes somehow became darker with irritation, scaring you more than you already were.

"We will see about that when we restore your memory." 

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