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"We haven't actually addressed that angle," Edward said quietly, looking to Gwen with curious eyes. "We've been trying to get Bella what she needs. And her body is accepting it about as well as one of ours would. Malfoy is correct, perhaps we should address the needs of the... fetus first. Maybe if we can satisfy it, we'll be able to help her more effectively."

"I'm not following you, Edward," Carlisle said.

"Think about it, Carlisle. If that creature is more vampire than human, can't you guess what it craves—what it's not getting? Malfoy did."

Malfoy looked smug, throwing Gwen a look of superiority.

"Don't let it go to your head" Astoria said, rolling her eyes at the blond man.

Malfoy looked taken aback at the young girls comment, opening his mouth to argue.

"Don't" Gwen warned, as he closed it immediately.

"You think it is... thirsty?" Rosalie hissed under her breath. Her perfect face was all lit up, her eyes wide with excitement. "Of course," she muttered. "Carlisle, we have all that type O negative laid aside for Bella. It's a good idea."

"Hmm." Carlisle put his hand to his chin, lost in thought. "I wonder... And then, what would be the best way to administer. . . ."

Rosalie shook her head. "We don't have time to be creative. I'd say we should start with the traditional way. If we wake her up and you tell her it might help the baby, she'll be willing to do anything. Even if we do have to feed them through a tube. What do you think, Carlisle? Can we try?"

Carlisle took a deep breath, and then he was on his feet. "We'll ask Bella when she awakens."

Rosalie smiled smugly—in a way Gwen was sure she could have a distant cousin to Malfoy.

Gwen looked back down to the muggle girl, Bella lay flat on the hospital bed, her belly a mountain under the sheet. She looked like wax—colorless and sort of see-through. You'd think she was already dead, except for the tiny movement of her chest, her shallow breathing. Would the blood truly work? She knew the stories of the half-mermaids often craving both nutrients from land and sea. Not to mention Bill Weasley, who preferred bloodier meat after he had been bitten by a werewolf. But on a non-magical being, how would this work?

She felt Edward's gaze on her, as though he were waiting for her to approve this. Well, there was only one way to figure it out.

"Let's wake her up then" Gwen stated, as she took out her wand once more. "Except, let's give her some dragon blood. We don't want the magical being inside of her getting used to human blood already."

————— ✦—————

The raven-haired woman stood over Bella Swan once more, waving her wand as Bella's eyes flew open and she took a large gasp of har.

And then her eyes, followed the group in front of her, with exhausted suspicion. The others were at her side already, flitting across the room with sudden darting motions, as she, Astoria and Malfoy remained behind.

Gwen watched as Edward flew to Bella's side, reaching for her hand as he comforted her. Selfishly, Gwen wondered if this is how it would be once their baby came. They hadn't really spoken about it, as Bella's life was still in danger. When Bella had her baby and became a vampire, how would their relationship truly look? Gwen would never ask Edward to stay away from his child, but she also couldn't see herself staying in Hogsmeade or whatever other small magical settlement they would land in.

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