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Gwen felt her mind spinning once more as she tried to comprehend what exactly Harry had just said.

"Did I hear you correctly?" Astoria asked, as she struggled to keep her eyes opened but walked down the steps of Gwen's home, hanging onto the rafters for deal life as she faced Harry. "TANYA? As in OUR Tanya?"

Harry nodded as he did not smile at any of them, "At Kreachers Lodge. I'm heading over to interview them. We need to get ahead of this before Vetrova or any other press catch wind. We don't want this getting out of hand. Kingsley sent me to find you, so we can go question them together." He turned back to Gwen, looking less impressed with her, "I've been trying to contact you for the last 30 minutes."

"Were there witnesses?" Alex asked, ignoring Harry's irritation with them.

It was then that Gwen noticed Alex appeared completely sober. Maybe a little tired, but in a completely better condition than her or Astoria. She was jealous.

"I can't imagine there were many people still out" Alex finished.

"Just the victim, Kreacher, Viktor Krum, and Tanya. It happened around 3 AM" Harry explained. "From my understanding, they were waiting for Tanya to calm down before Kreacher could contact us."

Gwen felt herself taking deep breaths, knowing there must be a perfectly good explanation as she tried to focus, "Okay, I just need to get my jacket and--"

"You need a shower" Harry said in an irritated tone. "You are not in any state to question them. And get some potion for your hangover, then food. I'll go out for some coffee and please be ready when I get back. It's better we get ahead of this."

"Someone's grouchy" Astoria mumbled.

"Right, thanks" Gwen said quietly, as Harry gave her one good look and then Disapparated on the spot.

Gwen stood still, as she could not believe this was happening. Tanya was older than Edward...She was a Vegetarian Vampire...There would be no way she would just begin attacking people in the middle of the night. Without wanting to, her mind wandered to Edward carelessly...His warm eyes that often made her feel vulnerable popped into her head as she just as quickly pushed it away and focused on a memory of him. Of how he had once told her about Bella's 17th Birthday Party, when the Muggle had fallen and slashed her arm. Without warning, Bella had cleared out the Cullens from the room, for fear they would harm her.

They too, had difficulties being around so much blood...

Harry's words echoed in her head as she pictured a bloodied body, leaving Tanya with no choice and attacking the pool of blood. Edward had always said the thirst could overpower any of them...

Gwen?" Astoria asked, exchanging looks with Alex. "What do we do?"

"Give her a minute" Alex said, not looking worried at all for his friends silence.

Quiet footsteps appeared on the staircase, as the three had unaccounted someone from the previous night.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overhear" Cho said, looking quite unnerved. "I can't believe this is happening...What should we do?"

"Where did you come from?" Astoria asked, frowning as she looked surprised to see where the older girl had appeared from.

"I slept in your room" Cho said softly, as she looked at Alex. "I didn't think you would mind."

"Not at all" Alex said quickly. "I offered--"

"Astoria" Gwen commanded, as she pulled herself together and did her best to ignore the pounding in her head. "I need you to Apparate to The Apothecary, get us all Hydrating Potions. Apparate, don't walk. And then Apparate back."

"Okay," Astoria nodded quickly. "And then what?"

"Cho, I need you to get Kate, Carmen, Eleazar, and Irina over here. Tell them what happened, but keep them here, do you understand?"

"I want to come with you--" Astoria began.

"You are my intern, and what I ask of you" Gwen snapped, as she saw the young girl recoil. She took a deep breath as her tone softened, "I'm sorry, but this is just a lot for a Saturday morning." Turning once more to face Cho, "When you are back, don't answer the door unless it is one of us. Write to Gaia and Cal. Have Gaia come here too. We don't need Vetrova sniffing around our homes. It's best we're all in the same place so we know how to respond. Keep the windows closed."

Cho nodded with determination, "You can count on me."

"What do you want me to do?" Alex asked lazily.

"Go wake Neville, if this gets bad...We're going to need a safe place for them. And there's no safer place than Hogwarts, after all."

"Do you really think this will get bad?" Astoria gasped.

"I don't know," Gwen said honestly, wondering if Vetrova and Lucious Malfoy's work in the anti-vampire advocacy would tip the ties of their legislation...If the fear they were spreading around the vampires would turn people against Tanya and her family, and if this one incident would break everything they had been working for.

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