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Without thinking, Edward sped through the city of Volterra, pushing his legs to the limit as he headed for the comune di Cecina, that overlooked the coast of Italy. He knew the area well enough, having vacationed there with his family for sometime.

And as he dove into the Liguian Sea, he knew it was nothing to him; holding his breath as a new hope reignited in his chest once more. The hope of the possibility of Gwen being human and in hiding in a hospital under the guise of an alias...It was enough to make him swim faster and faster. The hope that she could be alive! Human!

He focused his mind on swimming to Spain, pushing his immortal limbs and strength harder and harder. Within hours, he made it to the Baleanic Sea, reaching the shore just as twilight was breaking through. He had swam for the majority of the day, knowing it would have been quicker to fly and yet, it would have taken just the same amount of time for Jasper to gather the proper documents for him.

Reaching the shore, Edward was glad for the emptiness of it. He knew if he would have landed in a different shore, the tourists would have spotted him in an instant.

Running through the coast, he took no breaks, regardless of how tired his body was. A Jane Doe that fit Gwen's description was laying in a community clinic there...He knew it was a long shot but he would take it. He knew there was a slim chance it would be her...But he had hope.

Albarracín was the small village he was heading for. Edward was grateful for twilight, knowing he would be able to navigate the village under the guise of the darkness, giving him free reign to steal any car or run through the countryside without being noticed.

As he arrived to the village, he had no time to fathom the beauty of the it, his eyes only set on finding the community clinic where the Jane Doe resided. Edward looked around to the community clinic, frowning as he knew it did not seem as though there was a proper hospital around. The small town must have had the almost the same population as Forks, if not smaller. It was definitely a rural town by all definitions, looking lost in time with its cobblestone roads and 12th century buildings.

But he knew this was the place as he approached a small fading-red building with a fading sign, "Clinica Medíco."

Though he was grateful for the cover of the night, he also knew how odd it would be to these humans for him to show up in the dead of night. Walking into the building, he noticed a young blond woman with glasses reading at the front desk. He knew she could not be more than 24 years old, and from her thoughts, he knew her to be working a nightshift administrative job to help her to pay for school.

"Hola, me llamo Edward Cullen, estoy buscando a alguin. Me podrias ayudar por favor?" Edward spoke clearly, introducing himself as the girl at the counter jumped in surprise.

"Oh," the young woman gasped, her eyes widening to see Edward standing there, a little flustered. Edward knew it always caught humans off guard, the little markers they didn't understand from the first time they noticed a vampire.

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