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"I still...I still don't really understand what we're doing out here" Gwen said, as Edward carefully wheeled her through the rocky Mediterranean forest nearby.

He knew Doctor Nadar would not allow Gwen to leave the clinic without a proper nurse, so he snuck her out of the clinic leaving only a note behind. He drove them both to the Mediterranean forest nearby, borrowing a wheel chair from the clinic since Gwen could not walk. He would have carried her if need be, but he knew showing her his real self would be more prudent.

"I need you to trust me, okay?" Edward said patiently, as he knew Gwen was getting frustrated being constrained to a chair.

Gwen nodded, looking over at him with teasing eyes. "You're not taking me out here to murder me, right?"

Edward chuckled, "If that were true, Doctor Nadar would finally get to say her 'I told you so'. She thought I was the one who harmed you."

"Really? She still does?"

"I think I've won a bit of her trust, but it's too soon to really tell" Edward chuckled, as he looked above them to see the clouds parting ways. The sun would be shinning on them soon. He felt jittery and anxious, would she remember? Would she be disgusted with him?

He knew that this emotion—stage fright was the closest term he could come up with—was truly ridiculous. So what if Gwen found him repulsive in her current state? If she rejected him in disgust? That was fine, better than fine. That was literally the smallest, tiniest sort of misery that could hurt him. He was there to help her. To get her back to her mate. Nothing less and nothing more.

He needed to let her go.

Because as soon as they got back, as soon as he knew she was safe...He knew that she would walk away from him. And he would let her go.

The silence seemed heavier as they progressed. He could tell when Gwen spotted the brightness of the hill of the peak they were heading to. She smiled almost unconsciously and her back straightened. She wasn't watching the ground anymore; her eyes were locked on the filtered glow of sunshine before them. Her eagerness only made his reluctance heavier.

Gwen turned herself to lock eyes with his, as she frowned teasingly. "Are we there yet?"

Edward pretended to be equally lighthearted. "Nearly. Do you see the brightness ahead?"

She narrowed her eyes at the forest before them, the concentration line forming between her brows. "Sure. Does that mean you're going to show me the 'real you' or however you put it?"

Edward took a deep a breath, knowing she was quite curious of what he meant by that. And it was probably the only reason she had agreed to leave the clinic with him.

"Yes, I'm going to show you."

Edward wheeled her closer to the sun, as he could smell the wildflowers, sweeter in the warmth, and hear the low burble of the stream on the far side. The insects hummed, and far away, birds trilled and crooned. There were no birds nearby now—his presence was enough to frighten all the larger life from the place.

Gwen looked eagerly around the forest as the golden light embraced her sun-kissed skin. The light gilded her hair and made her bronzed skin glow into a lovely hue. Her fingers trailed over the taller flowers next to her, and he was reminded again of Helen of Troy. Beauty beyond belief. Strength to inspire thousands. Life personified, as it seemed the flowers beneath her grew as she passed them.

He could have watched her for a very long time, perhaps forever, but it was too much to hope that the beauty of the place could make her forget the monster in the shadows for long.

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