Chapter 55

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Adeline and I were walking back inside the palace when Jungkook was coming down the stairs

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Adeline and I were walking back inside the palace when Jungkook was coming down the stairs. At first, I didn't think anything was wrong until he had stopped inches from me at the bottom of the stairs. Something had made him mad, but what?

Jungkook swallowed and turned away as he left down the hall behind the stairs.

Adeline sighed while removing her leather jacket, "Oh, boys. Always getting on each others nerves." She snickered and hung her jacket over her shoulder as she left the main room.

I heard a door slam in the direction Jungkook had gone into. What happened while we were gone? Was it a normal fight or was it something serious?

I sighed out, questioning myself why I was worrying about it. Maybe because Jungkook has been trying to protect me since last nights dinner. That and I felt guilty that he liked me and that I didn't return those feelings.


I looked up towards the stairs and saw Jimin coming down them, "How was the hunt?" He asked, approaching me as he takes in my hand with a gentle smile.

I smiled back, seeing his ever so handsome looks and sexy, tattooed arms, "Good. I came upon a stag." I answered back, sounding happy to tell him.

Jimin made a shocked and proud face, "Really?" He asked looking around the room, "Have you already brought it in?"

I looked at him in confusion, "No. I only tracked it down and..."

"And surprised the hell out of me." Adeline said, returning. She shook her head with a smile, "You have a keeper, Jimin."

Jimin smiled, "I could have told you that." He said, making me blush.

"Lena here, approached the stag with no problem. And petted it" She said, walking up to us.

Jimin looked over at Adeline, raising an eyebrow. He looked back at me, "You pet the stag?"

I wondered why he looked troubled more than proud, "Yeah," I answered with a shrug, "It's not like it attacked me or anything."

"There's no telling with them." Jimin then said, "Next time, stay behind it." He said, rubbing my cheek.

I scoffed, pushing away his hand, "I'm well aware of my own strength." I snapped, mad that he probably thinks of me as weak.

"Lena handled is carefully, Jimin." Adeline said, stepping in.

"And you should have known better. This was Lena's first hunt." Jimin snapped back at Adeline, "She's not aware of the kind of danger that's out there yet."

I grabbed Jimin's arm, turning his attention towards me, "Jimin, like Adeline said, I was careful."

"Doesn't matter. Anything could of happened." Jimin said back, looking angry.

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