Chapter 49

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I stepped aside, pulling Lena with me. The wood went flying as I used my body to stop them from hitting her. She hid her face in my chest while the wood came to a stop. I looked over my shoulder and saw father laying on the ground. A piece of wood was deep within his shoulder.

Jin and I made eye contact and I quickly looked over at Namjoon. He had become amused by all of this and eyed up Lena like she was the main meal of tonight's dinner. He was about to make his move.

Namjoon didn't use his speed as he pushed a chair into the air, making his way towards us. I hid Lena behind me and faced myself towards Namjoon.

"Get out of my way." Namjoon growled, his voice becoming deep as his eyes glowed red.

I shook my head and stepped forward, "In your dreams, cousin."

Namjoon raised his hand up, his claws expanding. He aimed them at me, but I grabbed his wrist, stopping the claws from meeting with my shoulder.

Namjoon slashed at my rib, making me lean forward and groan. I glared up at him, sending my knee into his stomach. I grabbed his head, and pushed him down into the ground.

Namjoon tried to teleport over to Lena, but I grabbed the back of his suit and swung him backwards against the wall. My ribs ached, sending me down on my knees.


Jackson and Mr. Park were attacking one another, their eyes showing no mercy. Jimin and Namjoon were going at it just like they were.

I jumped back as Namjoon had almost made his way to me, but Jimin swung him across the other side of the room. Jimin began to breath heavily and collapsed onto his knees.

"Jimin!" I shouted, rushing over to him. I placed my hands on the side of his face, "Jimin, are you okay?" He looked exhausted.

He nodded, "Yes, I'm fine."

I was pulled away from Jimin. I looked over and Jungkook was behind me, "Jungkook, let go of me!"

"Jungkook, get her out of here." Jimin said, standing up as he held onto his rib. He looked like he was hurting terribly.

I looked over at him. He wanted me to leave him? No! I won't, "What? No! I'm not leaving!"

Jungkook began to pull me away and towards the doors, "No! Jimin! Please, let me go!" I started fighting back and hitting Jungkooks arm. His grip didn't loosen from my arm.

Jungkook pushed through the doors and Adeline, along with Jin followed us into the main room of the palace.

Adeline pulled me away from a Jungkook, "There's no need for that." She said, glaring at him. She let go of me and I immediately turned towards the dinning room doors but Jungkook was in front of me within seconds. I wasn't fazed by his speed at this point.

"Move," I said, glaring up at him.

"Lena, you can't go in there." He said, stopping me in my tracks.

"You can't tell me what to do, now move!" I said, pushing him to the side.

Jungkook grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, "You could get hurt if you go back in there."

"Lena, it's too dangerous." Adeline added, speaking with ease.

"I don't care. I want to be with Jimin. I have to protect him." I said, trying to remove Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook pulled me closer to him, his face inches away from me, "You can't protect him. Namjoon is too strong. He'll kill you."

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