Chapter 31

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"So how's lover boy?" Nat asked, dipping her straw into her cold ice tea.

"Oh, you know. The same. Sexy." I say, sipping from my straw and glancing up to see Nats reaction.

She shakes her head, "Oh, by the way. Did you ever call your dad back? He called me and Sadie because he couldn't get a hold of you."

I breathed out, "Yeah, I did. I called him back this morning."

"Oh. Also, Sadie told me you had moved in with her before your whole disappearance. She said you and your mom got in it?" Nat then asked, stabbing at her salad.

Just thinking about my mom gave me a headache, "Yeah, she wasn't too happy about the whole Hawaii thing and I guess making a long chore list was to get back at me for it." I answer, stirring my tea with my straw.

"I'll never understand your mom. I feel like she just hates the world and everyone who lives on it." Nat says, placing a fork full of salad into her mouth.

"She's not like that with Tyler. Speaking of Tyler, I miss him." I say, pouting.

"Why don't you go see him?" Nat asks, wiping away spilled ranch from the corner of her mouth.

"Because he's at my moms. Maybe I'll go see him when it's my dads turn to take him." I inform her, cutting my steak.

Nat nods, "What about that job? Did you ever go to it?" Nat asked, resting her fork on her plate.

I groan and slouch, "No, I didn't. I don't even think they'd let me come back."

Nat laughed, "Well yeah, you pulled a no show. And on your second day."

I smirk, not even denying it, "I was busy." I said, placing a bite of steak into my mouth.

Nat playfully glares at me, "Yeah, with Mr. Hawaii."

I laugh, "Mr. Hawaii?"

Nat shrugs, "Sadie and I came up with it after you left that one night. Thought it suited him."

I shook my head, "Oh, god. Mr. Hawaii. Ima tell him that."

Nat snickered, "Have you been staying with him? Is that why you haven't been sleeping at Sadie's?"

I shrug, "Possibly."

"And I thought I was bad." Nat says, sucking the ranch off her finger.

I smile cutely, "Where is Sadie anyways?"

Nat sighs, "Adulting."

I lean close to the table, "You mean working?" I roll my eyes as Nat smiles.

"I can't understand how people do it. It seems so time consuming and nobody ever gets paid the amount they work for." Nat says, taking a drink from her tea.

"Yeah, well. Not everyone has a rich dad to spoil them." I say, shaking my head as I take another bite from my steak.

"And what about you?" She asks, pointing at me like a child, "You don't have a job either. Aren't you living off of Mr. Hawaiis paycheck now?"

I smile innocently, thinking of when Taehyung bought me those clothes. Nat still has no idea there were others that I was with. I still can't believe I stayed in a house with two men. It's not like I was sleeping with them both, "It was just for three days."

"Still! You slut." Nat jokes, "What did you even do?" She asks, sucking on the lemon she took out from her tea.

I don't think Nat would want to hear about what I went through. She'd panicked and force me to leave Jimin and most likely call the cops on his family. Not everyday does someone date a vampire, gets threatened by their brother, cousin and father and watches two people die within those three days being together. Putting it together like that makes me sound fucking insane.

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