Chapter 8

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My neck was beginning to be more sore as I placed my hand down over what felt like two holes. I felt a small amount of blood dribble down my arm.

Jimin's hand grabbed my shoulder after he pushed my hand away, "Don't do that, you'll waste it."

"Waste what? What are you talking about? You just bit me." I snapped at him.

This man was a fucking psychopath. Was he talking about my blood?

He just smiled and the fact that he was so unbothered...irritated me, "Listen, I don't know what fucked up kink you have but you can leave me out of it because I'm not interested."

He yanked at my waist, pulling me up against him, "I can assure you that it's more than just a kink."

A hand grabbed onto Jimin's arm. I looked over to see that it was Aiden.

Jimin looked pissed as he slowly turned to look at Aiden.

"She said she's not interested, so leave her alone." Aiden threatened as he pulled me into him.

I was held against Aidens chest and his arm wrapped around me. I just wanted to get out of here.

"By the look she's making, it seems she isn't too interested in you either." Jimin said, lifting himself up more in the pool. His knees weren't bending anymore and he stood straight. The water traced his muscles and abs and they looked sharper than Aidens.

Aiden scoffed, "The fuck did you just say to me. You better watch yourself." Adien pressed his finger into Jimin's chest and I could see that it triggered Jimin.

Jimin slowly looked back up at him and something about his eyes showed that all life in him was dead.

I knew Aiden saw it because he was frightened as his grip loosened on me.

Jimin suddenly grabbed Aidens throat, "I expect my guests to treat me with respect because if they don't, they'll find themselves stuck in a steep hole in the middle of nowhere with no food, no water and no one to hear them scream."

"Your guest?" I mumbled, looking at Jimin. What did he mean by that? This wasn't his place, if I remembered correctly. What did he mean by that?

Everyone in the pool were watching as they gasped. They all seemed terrified.

Aiden tried getting air into his lungs but Jimin's grip was too tight. He began squirming and grabbing onto Jimin's arms.

I placed my hand on Jimin's arm, "'re going to kill him."

Jimin didn't give me any eye contact before he tossed Aiden backwards into the pool, "I better not see your face here again."

Jimin climbed out of the pool without a word to me. Someone in a full black suit and black sunglasses handed him a towel.

I pushed through the water and climbed out as well before he got too far, "Wait!"

I stopped him from walking as I stood in front of him, "You are not leaving again after another one of your...unanswered...problems."

He smirked, "Problems?" He stepped forward to me, "If I didn't approach you today, that boy would of drugged you and had his way with you."

Had his way with me? "What? You don't even know him."

Jimin leaned his face close to mine, "But you do?"

He had me there. I've only met Aiden once and that was today at the bar.

He lightly glided his finger on my wound, "Careful who you choose to hang with. It's not safe."

I flinched from his touch and scoffed, "Says the one who bit me without consent."

He smirked, "I don't remember you telling me to stop." He smiled and walked away as the man in black followed behind.

Excuse me?

I turned and glared as I watched him leave. As if I'd ever choose him to hang out with.

"Lena!" I heard Nat shout from behind me.

As I turned back around, Nat had grabbed both sides of my shoulders, "Are you okay? What the hell just happened?"

Sadie wasn't too far behind, "We just watched that guy choke the shit out of Aiden. He's pretty pissed."

I would be too if someone choked me like that but then again, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Was Jimin telling the truth about what Aiden would do if he hadn't approached me?

"My god, you're bleeding." Nat said, referring to the bite on my neck.

"Must have opened up when the fight started." Sadie said.

"It wouldn't be there if it wasn't for that one guy. Seriously Luna, you need to be more careful from now on." Nat said, putting a towel around me.

I should be careful? I didn't even want the guys with us. I just wanted it to be the three of us but no, Nat had to go and gather up men.

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