Chapter 28

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Caleb POV

"You sure you don't need anything Caleb?" Sean asked me to help Jacob stand. Since the hospital was packed with seriously injured wolves Jacob wanted to give his bed to someone who was in more need.

Sean and Jacob were on their way home to get Jacob some much-needed rest but he was healing up fast.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied turning my attention back to Joshua who had to get minor surgery because he broke two ribs and one was close to puncturing his lung.

"How long do you plan on staying? You can sleep over at our place." Sean said giving me a worried look.

"I'll probably stay all night, at least until Josh wakes up and I know he's okay," I replied curling up in the sofa chair next to Joshua's bed.

"Okay, just link me if you plan to come over," Sean said helping Jacob leave the room. Silence immediately took over the moment the door closed.

I always hated silence, it forced me to think about things I wished I could Avoid forever but my mind is my worst enemy sometimes.

I signed thinking how long today was, it started with me going on a blind date to my mate's wedding, and now I'm sitting in the hospital wing of the pack house after a rogue attack.

I thought I was done losing people, I thought I would just die peacefully and the ones I loved would still be here happy and living. I've lost my parents and my mate, now I have to bury my friend tomorrow.

I don't want to make this about me, Lucy was my friend but she was also Dean and Sean's sister, she was Ivy and Joshua's mate, their grief is what is important.

I just can't help but wonder what my death is going to do to them. My brother doesn't deserve to lose the only family he has left, Sean doesn't deserve to lose his best friend since diapers, and I don't deserve to die.

Tears started flowing from my eyes as the realization hit me, I don't want to die. I just accepted that my death needed to happen for the betterment of my pack, but I'm only 19 and I have to die.

I had dreams I wanted to accomplish, I wanted to be a baker, and I wanted to own a cafe and fill it with all types of baked goods. I wanted to be the best man at my best friend's wedding, I even wrote a speech for it when I was 10. I wanted to fall in love and get married, I wanted to have so many pups I wouldn't know what to do. I wanted to grow old and grey with my mate watching our grandpups playing in our backyard. I wanted to live the full life my parents never got to live. I wanted to live.

a small whine escaped my lips while I was silently sobbing. I instantly covered my mouth to silence my pain. I closed my eyes to help myself calm down but all I could see were the people that I love and then seeing them crying over my casket.

I felt a hand on my knee which made me open my eyes. I see Joshua sitting up looking me in the eyes with his hand on my knee. I tried to rub my face to wipe away any evidence of my crying. Josh has been through enough today, he doesn't need to worry about me.

Josh removed his hand from my knee and opened his arms for me to crawl into a hug, I paused, normally I would have run into his warm embrace. Being in his arms is one of the few places I ever felt safe, but today isn't about me and my drama, I'm supposed to be the one to make him feel better.

"Caleb." josh said looking at me worriedly, lowering his arms

Before he could put them down completely I rushed to hug him, I needed a hug from him. Why am I so weak?

"What's wrong Caleb? Are you hurt?" Joshua asked,  I can hear the worry in his voice.

"I'm the one who is supposed to ask you that. I'm the one who is supposed to take care of you like you always take care of me." I said as I began to cry again.

"Caleb, you take care of me too. No, it's not the same way I take care of you because you're not me, you help differently.'' Josh said, rubbing my back.

I tried to back away from the hug because leaning over the bed while sitting in the chair was uncomfortable, and Joshua just pulled me into the bed with him, moving over to give me room to snuggle at his side.

"I'm starting to think you know how to read minds,' I said, muffled because my face was still covered by his shirt.

I heard what I thought was a chuckle coming from josh which made his chest move and me with it,

"Why do you think I can read minds?" Josh asked with amusement in his voice.

"you always seem to know what I need, even when I'm unsure of what I need," I said finally removing my face from the warmth of his chest to look at him.

"You're just easy for me to read," Josh said looking down at me. we held eye contact for what seemed like forever,

I shakily raised my hand to touch his eyebrow where I noticed a scar from the attack. soon as I touched it josh leaned his head to my hand which caused my hand to stroke his head from his face to his hair, I so desperately wanted to erase all his pain, I wanted to give him back every he lost and hurt everyone who has ever hurt him,

"I'm so sorry Josh.'' I finally said, making him visibly tense.

": I wonder how long I have before I go crazy?' Josh said, staring at the ceiling.

"Maybe you won't go crazy," I said hopefully.
"It only took my dad two months before he had to leave us, but he wanted too long, he was already showing signs, breaking things around the house that reminded him of my mom, every picture and clothing she left he burnt. I never wanted to turn out like my dad and now I don't have a choice." Josh said, choking up at the end. I set up on the bed to look down at him clearly, I wiped the tears that were coming down fast.

: you won't turn out like him I won't let you, ill help take care of you I promise.'' I found myself saying and then regretting it. I won't be here long enough to save him from what he is going to become.

we heard knocking at the door knocking us back into reality. I smelled Dean at the door forcing me to quickly get out of bed not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

Joshua growled loudly at my actions, making me whimper. That must've pulled him from the trance he was in, his black eyes went back to their brown color.

'What the hell is going on?' Dean asked entering the room.


A few more chapters left then we can wrap up my first book. I'm happy but also sad, this took me almost two years to finish.

But I have more book ideas so don't worry I have a feeling you guys are going to love my next book

Anywhere you guys know Sean's name is pronounced Shawn right? Idk I just wrote their names side by side and was hoping people were reading his name correctly

Also, don't hate me for what is coming next I told y'all there will be three deaths and so far we have Lucy and the current alpha Al please grab your tissue.

Thank you for reading and voting and commenting


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