Chapter 19

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Dean POV

"When I lost my entire pack, I thought I'll never be a part of a family again, I thought me and my brother would turn rogues and go mad until I smelled him, This pack saved me and I promise I'll be the best Luna I can be," Delilah said, finishing an extremely long speech no one asked her to do.

How long are these things supposed to last? Per our custom I and Delilah have to stand together and get greeted by everyone in our pack, to get blessings from everyone (and gifts). We've been standing here for an hour already and we're not even halfway done. I zone out for the 12th time since I've been here. I look around the field and spot my group of friends drinking and laughing at a table near the back.

They were lucky they were the first in line, so they have a couple of hours of eating and drinking before the party ends. I bring my attention back to the couple in front of me when Delilah pinched my arm that she was squeezing the life out of.

"This is for your alpha." And the little girl said and presented me with a drawing of a black wolf with red eyes. I don't know how old she is this drawing was amazing, it looked professionally done.

"Did you make this yourself?" I asked in complete amazement.

"Yeah, it took forever, I'm sorry if you don't like it, my mom is just a kitchen worker and my dad died in the rogue attack, we didn't have much money to buy you a great gift." The girl finished.

"I love it, I've never seen a drawing this great, and it's my favorite, out of all the gifts I received," I said and an instant smile formed on the little girl's face. Getting praised by the alpha makes wolves feel accomplished.

"In fact can I hire your services sometime? I feel like I don't have enough artwork at the pack house." I said making the little girl's eyes widen, she nods quickly before bowing slightly and running towards who I assume is her mother.

"That was a good thing you did" Delilah whispered in my ear I nodded towards her statement. After we see a few more people I smelled that amazing smell that makes my hair stand up, that makes my heart beat so fast I think I'm having a heart attack. My mate.

I try to stand still and keep my focus on the people in front of me but James is jumping around in my head, excited to see his mate. Caleb's head was turned pretty much the entire time he was in the line. Who was he talking to? Once Caleb made his way to the front of the line he turned around with a huge cheeky smile that made the world pause. I haven't seen him smile like that since I rejected him. He's so beautiful when he smiles I couldn't stop staring. Delilah must have noticed because she was back to pinching me but no matter how hard she was pinching I refuse to look at her. I don't want to miss a second of my beautiful mate's smile.

Once Caleb was next in line he must have remembered where he was because his smile left and what stood in its place was a small frown. James is practically trying to leave my body so he can make Caleb smile again. I take control of James and put a polite smile on my face. That's when I noticed Ivy and Jamal a small growl escaped my lips.

"Kill him."

Caleb POV

Once Dean left the pack hospital I quickly got up and got dressed before Sean or Chris get back and make me stay. I hate hospitals, they always brought back memories of how my parents died. A memory I don't need to think about right now when I already have so much on my mind.

Once I got dressed I quickly left the hospital deciding on walking the pack grounds before I go home and face Chris. I must have been in deep thought be next thing I know Ivy is waving her hand in my face. "Earth to Caleb," I said with a concerned look on her face.

I looked at her with a sheepish smile which she did not buy because she was still staring at me with worry written all over her face, but just like her brother, she doesn't push.

"What's up?" I asked continuing my walk.

"Well, I need a tiny tiny favor from you," Ivy asked walking right beside me.

"What is it this time Ivy? You want to turn me into a mouse?" I asked still very pissed from the last time I did Ivy a favor and she turned me into a rat and didn't know how to turn me back. I was a rat for literally two days before she figured out how to turn me back.

"No. I promise, no more witchy experiments on you." I shot her an angry glance and continued walking.

"Then what's the favor?" I asked.

"Do you have a date for the engagement party tonight?" She asked making me stop walking, 'what engagement party?' I asked myself. Ivy noticed my confusion or she read my mind because she replied

"the soon to be alpha and the soon-to-be Luna engagement party is tonight, and the current alpha made it mandatory that everyone goes," Ivy said sadly.

"Ivy I'm fine, me and Dean haven't been mates for a little over two years now, I can be around him and his new mate without wanting to die. And to answer your question no I don't have a date." I replied changing the subject. "Do you want to just go together, we can sneak in alcohol and have our brothers chase our drunk ass around?" I asked knowing Ivy loved to cause a ruckus.

"I wish I could babe but someone already asked me to be their date." I looked at Ivy confused.

"Who ask you on a date?" I ask genuinely confused. I guess that came out wrong because Ivy punched me hard in the arm. "Ow! I didn't mean it like that I just meant who has the balls to ask out the most beautiful but deadly person in the pack?" I said hoping Ivy would stop being mad at me.

"Look it doesn't matter who asked me, I need you to take Jamal to the party," Ivy asked stopping walking to fold her arms. "Who the hell is Jamal?" I asked, upset at Ivy trying to set me up on a date. Why does everyone think I need to have a mate?

"You haven't met him yet but he's the half vampire half human I told you about. The one I and lulu brought home from college to meet you." I giggled a little because of the childhood name we use to call Lucy, Ivy is the only person Lucy allows to call her that.

"Why would I go with him ?" I asked slightly amused, I did always want to meet a vampire, even though he's only half this might be my only chance at meeting one since vampire rarely leaves their coven.

"Please Caleb, I'll feel bad if I go on my date and leave him all by himself," Ivy said with an adorable pout, a rare site.

"Okay fine, but I get to ask a favor from you with no objection," I said seriously. Ivy started clapping for joy and grabbed my wrist. "Ivy where are we going? My house is in the opposite direction." I asked as Ivy drag me further away from my house.

"If you have to go to your mate's engagement party, I'm going to make sure you're the best-looking person there," Ivy said in a low and determined voice.

Goddess, Please kill me now.


Extra chapter for you guys, I'm still posting tomorrow I just want to thank you guys for being patient. I had some personal issues I had to sort out, but I'm back with regular updates

Thanks, babes

-Queen ♥️

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