Chapter 11

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It's going will be a spilt chapter, I'm going to do two different POVs I hope you don't get confused.


Caleb POV

"Did you just say vision?" Dean asked staring me down. 'Was it a bad thing?' I thought to myself as I looked at Lucy, maybe she could help me out here. "He said that something was wrong with her vision, she was complaining about her sight before she passed out," Lucy said taking the attention off of me.

"Is that what you said, Caleb?" Dean said not buying Lucy's lie. I nodded my head and handed ivy to Joshua's awaiting arms. Joshua runs ivy to the pack doctor with Lucy and the rest of the gang following quickly behind him. I try to run off to catch up but I was quickly grabbed by my wrist.

"Will you stop touching me without permission!" I said while yanking my hand from his right grip. Dean looks at me dumbfounded, I guess he wasn't expecting me to yell at him, but I had enough of Dean for today.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to do better next time," Dean says taking a step away from me.

"You've been promising to try harder for 2 years, I'm done with you and your promises! Now, what can I do for you alpha?" I said pissed that I'm hearing another one of his apologies, I'm just so sick of all the bullshit.

"Are you sure that's what you said Caleb? It's okay for ivy to be half witch but as an alpha, I need to know if she's using her powers on anyone in the pack?" Dean asked me with his serious Alpha face on.

"This is ivy we are talking about, if she did have witch powers, she would never use them on a member of this pack, you've been in her life as long as I have, you should know her better than to ask me that," I said angrily, ivy might be bat shit crazy and she and Lucy could learn the definition of boundaries but she would never hurt another living thing.

Ivy being part witch makes her sensitive to all living creatures and that goes for plants and bugs. When we were little I killed a spider and she didn't talk to me for a month.

"I know ivy isn't capable of harming another living soul, but the pack doesn't," Dean says taking a step closer to me. "Everything I do is for this pack and I cannot let my personal and selfish reasons get in the way of that." He said taking my face in his hands. I had to look up for us to make eye contact since his a head taller than me.

"I know it seems like I don't care, but I care about everyone in this pack, I have to ask on behalf of them because if they find out and they ask me I know I have to be able to calm them down," Dean said using his thumb to gently rub my cheek. "So I need you to tell me the truth, did ivy have a vision?" Dean asked bringing my face closer to his.

It was like I was in a trance I couldn't move or think. Just as I was about to say yes I saw some dirt being flown in our direction, before I could tell Dean to move the dirt or mud ball was all over the side of his face. "What the hell Sean!" Dean yells removing his hands from my face to wipe the dirt. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Sean yells back, I'm released from what felt like a spell I was under, I saw Dean and Sean arguing and I saw Jacob run up to me.

"Dude are you okay?" Jacob asked wiping out the mud that got on me.

"I'm fine, what happened? Why are Sean and Dean arguing?" I asked a little confused about what was going on. I felt a little wobbly and not myself.

"Well, I don't know if you knew I knew about you and Dean so I really shouldn't say anything Sean will flip if I tell you I knew," Jacob said seriously. I just stared at him waiting for him to see that he already told me he knew.

Once I saw that Jacob didn't catch what he just said. I knew I was going to point it out, Jacob is a great person and friend but Goddess who dropped him on the head as a baby? "Jacob you just told me you knew about me and Dean. "I said slowly because it feels like I just got done spinning around.

"Shit! Sean's going to be pissed, but at least you know now, I'm not good at keeping secrets." Jacob said finishing wiping the last of the dirt off of my hair.

"How long have you known?" I asked in a small voice. "

"Since the night I marked Sean, he didn't tell me! I swear he kept your secret, it's just once you mark your mate you know everything he knows and everything he has been through." Jacob says looking at Sean and Dean arguing.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone," I say almost in tears.

"Don't apologize, baby bro, trust me, you have nothing to apologize for! You did nothing wrong! The person who is in the wrong is my best friend." Jacob says grabbing me by the shoulders and looking me in the eyes.

"You said you'll tell me what the hell just happened?" I asked wiping stray tears from under my eyes and turning back towards Dean and Sean's argument.

"Well, if you believe your mate is hiding something from you, you can't sort of hypnotize them into telling you what you want to know, it's like taking a peek inside their head and can be very dangerous if practice wrong, you can kill your mate if you don't be careful. It easy picking inside someone's head, especially without permission, it's only supposed to be used in dire situations." Jacob finishes not looking at me.

"He could have killed me?" I asked more to myself. That was it, the final blow, there is no coming back from attempted murder. I suddenly couldn't breathe, I just can't believe he hates me that much.

"Dude calm down it's okay, Caleb breath okay." I don't understand what I ever did to him. Why does he hate me? "Sean, Caleb isn't breathing." Does he want me dead? Does he want me to leave the pack? Darkness started to take over.

Dean POV

"What the hell Sean?" I ask angrily. "What the fuck are you doing?" You could have killed him!" Sean yells as he approached me. " I knew what I was doing!" I yelled back wiping the dirt from my face, trying to keep James in control. "What if you messed up just a little, Caleb would be dead right now!" Sean yelled while he pushed me back.

"I am the Alpha of this pack, I decide for this pack! And I don't need you to tell me what I can and cannot do to a member of this pack!" I yell in my alpha voice. Lesser wolves would have been on the ground in submission, but Sean isn't a lesser wolf, he is also an alpha wolf.

"Caleb isn't just some member of this pack! He's my best friend, he's Chris's brother, and he's your fucking mate! How can you do that to him? How can you put your own mate's life in danger like that?" Sean said seething

"He is MY Mate! This is MY Pack! Why don't you guys understand, one life cannot be put above the life of the 400 pack members we have? I will not let my personal opinion stand in the way of saving the lives of innocent people! So if Caleb was lying about ivy having visions I had to be sure!" I said angrily.

Why can't they understand my duty? Why do they all see me as a heartless Alpha, when every decision I've made has been for the benefit of the pack? I'm not with my mate because I'm putting the pack first.

"There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for this pack!" Sean started to say. "But I would Always put Jacob's life above anyone else, he's my other half! I would have found another way! I would have made sure risking his life was my last fucking choice not my first!" Sean yells at me.

"And how many lives you would have put in danger if ivy woke up not in control of her powers? How many other innocent people would have died while you search for other ways? Don't you think I've thought this through? Ivy could be awake right now causing hell because she isn't in control, I've seen a witch who's not in control of her powers kill hundreds of innocent people! I had to be sure and if one single person died to make sure the pack would be safe, then that would have been okay even if that single person is my mate!" I yell back a Sean.

Sean stubbles backward looking at me shocked with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. His expression made me think about what I just said, oh my Goddess, I just told him I would have murdered my mate. "Sean I-" "SEAN CALEB ISN'T BREATHING!" Jacob yells cutting me off.

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