Chapter 8

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Caleb POV

I woke up in my bed with a killer headache. What the hell happened? I remembered being at Dean's house eating dinner then the rest is a blank.

"Thank Goddess you're finally awake." I see my brother Chris rush into my room. He gave me a bear hug and almost squeezed the life out of me.

"Chris, I can't breathe," I tell him breathlessly, these damn dominant wolfs are trying to kill me.

"I'm sorry pup, you just gave me a scare that's all," Chris says ruffling my hair. He hasn't called me a pup in years so he must have been really scared, even though Chris is my brother he raised me as if I was his son, and I hate making him worry about me.

"I'm sorry I scared you," I said in a small voice. I hate making my brother feel sad, it's the main reason why I haven't told him about me and Dean being mates.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, you just had an allergic reaction to the meatloaf, how were you supposed to know Delilah uses  cinnamon in her meatloaf." My brother said with a chuckle. I could tell he was only trying to make me feel better, I could see the redness in his eyes and the worries all over his face.

"How long was I out for?" I asked changing the subject, I can't add more guilt on top of the guilt I already have for lying to him for two years.

"You were out of it for two days, I was out hunting with Joshua so they couldn't get you your EpiPen in time, so doc put you in a medically induced coma, it worked well because when you fell you hit your head hard, doc said you might have a concussion." Once Chris was finished telling me all that happened when I passed out I noticed he was about to cry again. I reached over and hugged him.

He always feels so responsible for me even now that I'm an adult he feels like it's his job to look after me. "You can't blame yourself for hunting, how were you supposed to know I'll have an allergic reaction?" I asked him rubbing his back. I know Chris like the back of my hand, he's blaming himself for having a life and not being here to watch my every move. Goddess it's going to kill him when I die.

"I don't want you to put your life on hold anymore, I'm moving to the pack house," I said breaking the hug. My brother looked at me like I was a ghost. "Why would you move to the pack house? When I suggested it to you when you turned 17 you said no, now your willing to move?" My brother asked curiously, I didn't want to move then because I wanted to spend every second I had left with my brother. Now I know that was selfish, my staying here was being a Burden on Chris.

"You are not a Burden, and I didn't put my life on hold for you, you my kid brother, and the only family I have left in this world, taking care of you was the best thing I've ever done, I wouldn't change a thing," Chris said holding eye contact with me to let me know he was very serious.

I can't do it anymore I can't lie to him anymore, he deserves to know the truth, he deserves to know I'm not going to be here next year. "Chris there is something I have to tell you," I said holding my knees towards my chest.

"What is it pup?" My brother asked. Before I could open my mouth my bedroom door swung open and the whole gang poor in.

"Oh, my baby," Sean yells over dramatically, I should've known he was on his way. Sean practically pushes Chris off the bed to get in and gives me another bear hug. Why don't they understand I am small? "Okay babe he's Turing blue, let him up." Jacob laughs while trying to get Sean off of me

"Are you okay Caleb?" Josh asked if I had to say Chris is the mom's friend and Joshua is the dad of the group. I never saw him as a dad just my hero, he was always there to protect me. the day I first shifted Joshua found me crying alone. the other wolves my age were bullying me because my wolf was smaller than all the other wolves.

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