Chapter 14

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Caleb POV

"Caleb I know you can hear me, are you still a virgin?" Chris repeated.

"Yes, I heard you...... No, I'm not, okay? So stop asking!" I said in my self-made hiding place, under the covers.

"Guys I need to talk to Caleb in private, can you guys please leave," Chris said. Uh-Oh, I'm so dead! I began to peek out of the covers to see everyone's expressions.

"Just calm down before you say or do something you didn't mean to, and remember you can't force him to tell you what you want to know, you have to respect his privacy," Joshua said patting Chris on the back before leaving the room with the rest of the group.

When it was just me and Chris an uncomfortable silence took over the room, I don't know if I want Chris to yell at me or keep silent, both options seem pretty bad right now.

"I barely remember that night, I just know it happened," I said removing myself completely from under the covers.

"Just tell me what you do remember," Chris said in a much calmer tone.

"Do you want to start by telling me who you lost your virginity to?" Chris asked while taking a deep breath.

"I don't remember who." I lied, I'm not ready to open up about me and Dean right now, I got to pick my battles.

"Well, what do you remember?" Chris asked.


"Sean I'm fine, it's been a week, honestly you don't need to keep checking in on me." I mind linking Sean back, he's been overbearing since the rejection. I understand he wants to make sure I'm okay but I'm honestly going to be fine.

"No one in our pack has been rejected in over a hundred years, we don't know the side effects that come with being rejected, you could go crazy," Sean said over dramatically.

"Or nothing can happen, did you even think about that?" I countered. "I told you I'll go to the elders and I'll do some research, but other than fainting that night I feel completely normal." I truthfully told him, I do feel perfectly fine, I did have some pain that night but other than that I feel like I did before I even met him.

"Okay, I'll help you do some research, I'll ask my dad maybe he'll know about someone from a different pack?" Sean asked.

"No don't ask your dad, I don't want anyone to know, I'll do the research myself." I quickly replied I don't want to be forever known as the rejected mate.

"Okay I won't, do you have everything you need for your heat cycle? Do you need me to pick up extra ice packs?" Sean asked concern laced in his voice.

"No I have everything and Chris is taking a week off to help tend to my needs so I should be fine, if I run out I'll just mind-link Chris and he"ll give me what I need since he's the only one not affected by my scent," I said a little embarrassed, talking to anyone who doesn't go through heat about my heating cycle is a little uncomfortable.

"Do you know if your heat will be any different since you found your mate?" Sean asked.

" I talked to one of the older omega women about it, she said what she remembered that night was being connected to her mate, so it wasn't very helpful since I won't be able to feel that way." I said a little sad, "but I'm going to bed now, I know I'll be up the whole 5 days of my cycle so I want to get some sleep before it starts." I said feel hotter by the minute. I took off my shirt and got into bed.

"Alright goodnight." I heard Sean reply while I was drifting off to sleep.

'Why does my bed feel so hard I thought groggily. I turned and felt something poking me, I peeked my eyes open and saw grass, I instantly get up and notice I'm in the woods half a mile away from my house. "How the hell did I get here?" I asked myself. I can't be outside during my heat cycle, any unmated males wouldn't be able to control themselves from claiming me.

I quickly try to mind-link Chris to help me but I get no response, he must have fallen asleep, and I spend 5 minutes trying to contact him before I came to the realization that my heart is happening. I look around to see if I can see or sense any other wolves around and when the close was clear I ran deeper into the woods, the farther away from my pack the better.

I ran as far as I could without leaving the pack territory but far away from my pack. when I couldn't run anymore I stood hiding behind a tree, feeling wet and sticky because of sweat and slickness. I try to reach my brother again hoping he woke up to check on me, when I didn't get a response I looked at the sky to determine the time.

The apex of the moon told me it was 2 in the morning, I just have to wait here until six, my brother would be up by then, just four hours. I start to feel unbearably hot, "oh no, it's starting."

I heard movement and I froze, hoping it was not any rogues wandering around. Once the smell of chocolate hit my nose I knew who it was, my mate Dean. My wolf audibly whimpers at the thought of his mate. I heard footsteps coming in my direction, half of me told me to run while the other half kept me planted in my spot.

I spot dean's beautiful black wolf James across from me, he stood there a full 30 seconds watching me before he rushed over. Dean's wolf was almost my height, he licked my face which was covered and sweat, put his nose in my neck, and smelled me.

I stayed perfectly still hoping James didn't hate me as much as Dean does. James backed away from me and Dean transferred back into his human form. "Caleb, what's wrong? Why are you out here?" He asked fake concern laced in his voice.

Once he got close enough to me he smelled my scent and I saw his eyes change color, they were black for about 5 seconds before turning back to their forest green. "Caleb, why are you out in the middle of the night on your heating cycle? Where is Chris?" Dean asked taking another step closer to me, with the little strength I had left I pushed him away from me.

"Caleb I am still your alpha, I need to make sure you're alright," Dean said in his alpha voice which caused me to whimper again softly. I saw Dean's eye color change again and he rushed back in front of me and grabbed me by my hair and tilted my head back. I heard a threatening growl that made me freeze.

I could tell James was definitely in control and with one wrong move, James would do something Dean didn't want to do. James put his face in my neck, smelling me. I felt his fangs slide across my neck. James growled again but softer, and if I wasn't horny before I was now. No longer able to stop myself I grabbed James' head and smashed our lips together...


Sorry for not being able to post last week I was busy. Hopefully, this smexy scene makes up for it, see you guys next week.


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