Chapter 18

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Dean POV,

"Are you in love with him?" Delilah asked. My mouth flew open, I looked like a fish out of water. I thought I did a good job hiding my feelings for Caleb, but I guess even a blind man can see the love I have for him.

"I'm not even going to acknowledge that ridiculous question, do you want to sit around talking about an omega?" I asked purposely ignoring her question, I couldn't tell her the truth and James wouldn't allow me to deny our mate.

Delilah just stared at me for a few moments, probably rethinking our marriage agreement. "I don't want to see you until the party, and once the party is over Find somewhere else to sleep tonight," Delilah said heading up the stairs, I signed loudly when I heard her slam the door to her room.

I don't know if I'm secretly hoping she would cancel the marriage, knowing how badly she needs this alliance I seriously doubt it.

I met Delilah two years ago when she and her brother showed up on our doorstep. Their pack was brutally murdered by rouge and they were going pack to the pack asking for help to revenge their fallen pack members. The rogue attack killed all the members of their pack except Delilah and her brother, they were a small pack with only 20-25 members.

Of course, the other packs they asked for help denied them, not only was Delilah's pack very small they there also very poor. No alpha would risk the lives of his pack for no reason. Once they reach our lands my dad was about to reject them as well but he handed their case over to me since I was the next in line alpha he wanted to introduce me to small alpha affairs.

I was sympathetic towards them because our pack was once raided by rogues as well, they killed my beta and delta parents so I understood the need for revenge, but I wasn't going to risk any more of my people's lives without cause. I asked Delilah and her brother to a private meeting to see what did they have to offer for our help.

Once the meeting began Delilah offered herself, shocking me and her brother as well. Her brother tried to stop her but she vowed to the Goddess that she would do anything I wished. She made herself my slave as long as I agreed to help her revenge her pack.

While she and her brother were arguing, I took a look closer look at Delilah. She was absolutely beautiful and if I wasn't already mated I would've noticed sooner. She had beautiful red hair that almost looked too red to be her natural hair color but it was. She had plumped lips that had the reddest lipstick color I had ever seen. It was obvious that she was a dominant wolf and her ability to sacrifice herself for her people would make her the perfect Luna.

I offered Damon and Delilah a deal, if Delilah pretends to be my mate and marry me so I can get my alpha title, then once I'm alpha I'll help them get the revenge they wanted, no one in the pack would reject revenge for their Luna. Delilah was bored with the plan, and Damon rejected the idea, saying his sister shouldn't have to stoop this low. Delilah disregarded his comments and agreed.

It wasn't hard to fool the pack into thinking Delilah was my mate, she's an amazing actress, and she handled my parent's grilling with ease. She had the Elders eating out of the palm of her hand, and she was kind to every pack member regardless of rank, no one had any choice but to believe our act except my friends.

Chris knew right away that she wasn't my mate, when I asked him how could he tell he just replied 'the way you look at her is with admiration, but now not with love." He was right, no matter how perfect Delilah might be I can never fall in love with her, she's not our mate. I feel bad for her, trapped in a loveless marriage just to avenge those you love. Us having sex wasn't part of the plan for either of u. One night we both got drunk and it just happens. I'm sure it's just physical for the both of us, every time we have sex I can't help but picture Caleb.

I get up off the couch and started to head to my room, me and Delilah have separate rooms but when we have sex or when we have guests over we sleep in the master bedroom together, she sleeps on the bed and I sleep on the small couch that we put in there.

As I started to get ready I mind-linked the group and asked if I can spend the night with them tonight, most of them laughed in response. Finding it hilarious that their soon-to-be alpha is getting kicked out of his home.

Joshua said he and Lucy are going to need to be alone tonight and I never wanted to vomit as much as I do now, she's my kid's sister.

Ivy said she is bunking with Jamal, I don't want to be anywhere near him, it doesn't matter if he was only a half-vampire, their all are walking dead people, all they need to do is eat brains, and their zombies.

Jacob said he would let me stay with him and Sean but Sean will cut his balls off, which I understood, I messed up and Sean is Caleb's best friend so I understand his hatred towards me.

What surprise me was Chris said I can stay the night at his place. why would he allow me to stay at his place? He's planning on murdering me, which is fair. if Jacob or josh did to my siblings what I did to Caleb, they would be dead. I thanked him and said I'll be over as soon as the party was done.

I finished getting ready, now I had to get into character and pretend that I'm in love and that I'm happy. You would think pretending would be the easiest thing I could do at this point. After all, I've been faking my whole life, but it's getting harder and harder to put my mask on, to hide all the pain I feel with a smile. Well, it's showtime.


A little back story about Delilah and Dean.

It kinda makes me feel sorry for them. They both agreed to never be with their mates 🥺

Anywhere I would love to thank you for reading, Voting, and commenting! I appreciate all of you.

And remember never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst. Your definitely the pink one ♥️♥️♥️♥️


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