Chapter 12

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Sean POV

We all are crowded around Caleb's bed waiting for him to wake up, we're all really worried. Caleb hasn't woken up in a week and no one can figure out what's wrong with him. I'm worried about Chris as well, he's barely slept or eaten since Caleb has been here. all he does is watch over Caleb. The only thing I can do is get him to drink some water and tell him everything will be okay.

My best friend is laying in a hospital bed because of my so call brother Dean and soon-to-be alpha of this pack. I haven't seen him visit Caleb but I smell him every morning. I wrap my arms around Jacob's waist and bury my head in his chest, I breathe in his wonderful smell of cherries and vanilla, I have to tell the group about Dean and Caleb. I promised Caleb I wouldn't tell anyone else but I don't think I can keep this a secret anymore.

I always thought that even though my brother rejected Caleb that Dean will always be there to protect him, but what he did last week proved to me he doesn't care about Caleb or his well-being. Being an un-mated and unprotected omega is a very bad thing, even though I know Caleb is strong and in many ways, he's still an omega and if his mate won't protect him I have to.

"I have something to say," I said muffled into Jacob's chest. Jacob rubs my back softly, already knowing how hard this word will be for me, I might Lose Caleb as a friend for telling his secret but If he's alive and safe I'll watch out for him from afar.

"What's wrong?" ivy asked walking up to me.

Ivy woke up 2 hours after she passed out, it turns out she didn't have a vision and she passed out from having low blood sugar, so what Dean did to Caleb was meaningless. "You've been weird all day, is everything okay?" Lucy asked walking towards me as well.

"It's about Caleb, it's something we've been hiding from you guys," I said removing myself from Jacob's chest to face Chris, I have to be able to calm him down so he won't go and attack Dean.

"What are you talking about Sean? What did you and Caleb hide from us ?" Joshua asked crossing his arms over his chest. 'It's really bad so I need you to make sure Chris doesn't do anything he regrets' I mind link Joshua, and he moves closer towards Chris silently.

"2 years ago at Caleb's 17th birthday party, we found his mate," I said looking Chris right in the eyes. The whole room was so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

"What do you mean Caleb found his mate? Where is he? Who is he?" Chris asked in a frantic matter. Joshua moved closer to Chris.

"His mate rejected him that night and Caleb made me swear not to tell anyone and I would have kept that promise until what happened when Caleb passed out." I rushed and said in one breath, I need to get this over with.

"Sean who is Caleb's mate?" Lucy asked with tears in her eyes. She must understand how painful it would feel if Joshua rejected her, I can't even think about Jacob rejecting me, it would be like someone ripping my soul out of my body.

"It's Dean isn't it?" Ivy said clearing the air. I look at her shocked. "They both turned purple after Caleb's birthday party, everyone thought it was because of Delilah but he turned purple before she came here," Ivy explained.

I nodded my head unable to say anymore, Caleb is going to hate me forever now. I turned to see Chris turn into a wolf and run out of the hospital, he must've known that Joshua was supposed to stop him from leaving. Even though Joshua is the strongest member in our pack, in wolf form Joshua can't resist a command from his beta, even if Joshua is delta. I heard a howl and a scream, everyone rushed out of the hospital room to stop Chris.

Caleb is never talking to me again if Chris kills Dean or worst, Dean kills Chris. Joshua change into his wolf to run after Chris and Jacob quickly followed behind, ivy and Lucy pick up their shoes run chase after them on foot.

Once we found where the group was I saw Chris wolf pinning Dean down who was still in human form. Dean had a calm look on his face like Chris wasn't seconds from ripping him into pieces. "Chris stop you can't kill him," I said hoping to get Chris to calm down enough to listen to reason. "If he dies me and Caleb would be forced into being alpha and beta, I'm sure you understand that cannot happen," I said over dramatically.

It's true though I don't want anything to do with the alpha title, it's all work with no pay and every alpha I know are huge dicks. "HOW COULD YOU HURT HIM?" Chris yelled through the mind link, he must have opened the conversation for the rest of the group to hear.

"I swear to you Chris I never meant to hurt Caleb," Dean replied. I scoffed loudly, "if you never meant to hurt him you would've never rejected him, or hide him away like some shameful secret, or better yet parade around with that red-headed idiot! You did mean to hurt him and you did hurt him, badly." I said, tired of Dean and his bullshit.

"You said you saw him as a brother, you said you'll help me keep him safe! Your the one I should've been protecting my brother from this whole time!" Chris said sadly, you can hear the hurt in his voice. This is what I wanted, I wanted this group to help me protect Caleb from the person who threaten his life the most, his mate and alpha.

"You might not believe me Chris but I was looking out for Caleb's best interest," Dean said tears flooding his eyes. I swear he's so full of shit, I'm shocked shit didn't come out of his mouth when he was speaking. Dean was only looking out for himself, he was being a coward! He probably was worried about the alpha title not being passed down to him if he had a male mate.

"Don't come near me or my brother again, we are no longer best friends, you may be alpha and that's all, if you need something from me ask Joshua to tell me. We are no longer brothers!" Chris said and barked before he ran back towards the hospital, Lucy and ivy ran after him, probably to get him to calm down before going into Caleb's hospital room.

"Why would you tell them? Caleb had the plan to tell his brother on his own." Dean said getting off the ground and walking towards me.

"I told them because Caleb needs protection from you!" I said angrily. "You told me yourself that you would sacrifice him to fulfill your own selfish needs," I said pissed off! He's pretending that what happened last week and the fact that Caleb hasn't woken up yet isn't his fault.

"Don't worry I'm sure the group won't tell the pack about your lies, just stay the hell away from Caleb or I'm telling dad next!" I said and walked off. Dean isn't the only one who lost a friend today.

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