Chapter 5

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Caleb POV

"Bitch did you forget my birthday" Sean yells in my ear.

"How could I forget my best friend's birthday?" I ask smiling from ear to ear praying to the Goddess Sean believes me.

"You lying sack of shit" damn so close I thought as Sean pulls me through the crowded home.

Sean has A LOT of friends, he's still friends with the people from high school. I always wondered why on earth would he choose to hang out with me, when he has so many cooler friends and friends who he has things in common with.

Every time we're together and anyone asks him to hang out he declines and says " why would I choose to hang out with fake people when I could be with you".

Yeah, Sean has a LOT of flaws but he's always been there for me, so no matter how bad I want to go home and watch the supernatural, I'll suffer being at a place where the majority of the people don't even know I exist.

Once we reach the living room I spot Jacob Sean's mate. We all were surprised when this happened, I didn't know Sean was gay nor did I know Jacob was gay, or bi or pan, or anything other than straight. At Sean's 17th birthday party which was more subtle than this, he walked straight up to Jacob and kissed him.

When I say all jaws dropped, it was so silent you can hear a pin drop. Soon they were done eating each other Faces, a roar of applause, and cheering for the new mates from the pack and the kids from high school. I've never seen Sean so happy, since then he and Jacob have been really into PDA if it wasn't for clothes it'll be considered sex.

"Did Caleb tell you how he put on a show for us?" Does Jacob say referring to earlier when I opened my bedroom door in my underwear?

"Bitch you trying to steal my mate?" Sean asked jokingly.

he's the only one who knows about my and Dean's relationship. He's the one who found me on the floor in pieces after Dean broke me. "Yeah and Dean looked like he wanted to eat him, I swear there was drool all over the floor, the man was stuck," Jacob says laughing.

"Oh hell no, you didn't tell me he was with you," Sean says through clenched teeth.

he hasn't spoken to his brother since he found out what happened. To be honest he hates Dean and gets upset when he hears Jacob has been with him. "Babe not the point, I think our alpha is thinking about joining the team" Jacob whispers, which does nothing because any wolf around can still hear him, with the whole super hearing thing we have.

"I heard that you idiot," Dean says walking over to us in the living room. "Happy birthday brother," Dean says handing Sean a birthday gift.

"Thanks, alpha," Sean says getting up and grabbing me so we can leave the living room. He didn't even take the gift from Dean's hands.

"Sean I told you, I don't want you to hate your brother because of me, it's not all his fault for the rejection". I say stopping Sean from leaving out the back door.

"What did I tell you about blaming yourself for what that jackass did to you, You're a victim!" He yells while pacing the kitchen.

"I don't think being rejected makes me a victim," I said while chuckling, Sean has a way of making everything more dramatic than it is.

"I'm not talking about the rejection, I'm talking about what happened after the rejection," he says staring into my eyes. He always brought that up.

"I'm not a victim of that, I wanted it too, in fact, I think I begged him for it". I say finding my shoes very interesting.

"You were in heat! Of course, you were begging, and he rejected you and then had sex with you when you weren't all the way there to give consent, that means you are a victim and he's an asshole!" Sean yells the last part while pacing again. He's going to cause a scene if I don't stop him from being angry.

"Your right he's a dick I have a date later today, I forgot it was your birthday when I set it up, but I'll cancel it for you," I say stopping Sean from moving.

Sean looks at me very dumbfounded, probably trying to see if I'm lying. "You lying bitch, who?" Of course, he wants details,

"Um, Damon asked me to hang out with him today during hunting practice". I said, next thing I know Sean's picking me up jumping up and down, again I freak out because heights are really scary! "PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOWN!" I scream while hanging on Sean for dear life, I swear these dominant wolfs are going to kill me before the rejection does.

"I'm sorry love, I'm so excited, why the hell are you here? Why aren't getting ready for your date ?" Sean asked, I swear sometimes I think the current alpha and Luna dropped him on his head as a baby.

"How exactly can I go on a date when I had to come to my best friend's birthday party," I say gesturing to the living full of people.

"Screw my birthday, if you would've told me you were skipping for some dick I wouldn't have minded," he says smiling like the psychopath I think he is.

"Whatever it's too late for it now, I didn't even cancel he's going to think I stood him up," I said hopefully he'll drop it and I won't have to go through with this lie. "I'll just have Jacob mind link him your on your way," he said pulling me back to the living room. "Wait what? No! It's okay I'll just text him or something" I say panicking, never mind the fact I don't have his number. I got to stop this before this lie gets out of hand. "Babe can you mind linking Damon for me" oh shit!

I guess once Sean said that the fucking four musketeers turned their heads toward him. Sorry, the group of misfits I mean is my brother, Dean, Jacob, and Joshua. Goddess for the third time today please kill me already.

"Why do you need my awesome skills?" Jacob asks. His family has been our pack ambassadors since the pack has first been formed. they can talk and mind-link anyone, no matter the pack they belong to, and since Damon isn't a part of our pack Jacob is the only one who could mind-link him.

"Babe, Caleb ditched his date just to come to my birthday party, isn't he-" "date?" The four asked in unison cutting Sean off. "Yes date, Damon asked him out this morning, Joshua weren't you there?" Sean asked I guess since the Goddess hates me I got to stop this train wreck myself "it's not like a date it's just a casual meeting between two people" I say turning bright red, today has officially been marked as the second worst day of my life.

"Oh so like a Netflix and chill situation, your guys just meeting up tofu-" "meeting up to TALK," I say cutting Sean off. "Wow my little brother is sleeping with the enemy, why am I not surprised," my brother says trying to hold back a laugh, "dudes been a virgin for like forever it's about ti- ouch" Sean punched Jacob in the stomach to stop him from finishing his sentence.

"First of all he's not a virgin and second how would you know he's a virgin?" Sean asked outing me to my brother.

"Hey, Joshua the one who told me," Jacob said pointing to Joshua "dude Chris was the one who told me," Joshua says pointing to Chris. I swear they all are idiots.

All heads turn to Chris. "I think I know my brother well enough to know he's a virgin," Chris says laughing.

"I never thought I had to say this out loud, but would you guys please STOP talking about my sex life!" I said, I know if you compared me to a tomato I'll be redder.

"Your right, Jacob could you just mind linking him, Caleb is on his way," Chris says. "No, he does not mind linking anyone!" Dean says to Chris getting up, just my luck right? "And why can't he?" Sean says through clenched teeth. "Because Caleb isn't going on a date with Damon and that final Sean!" Dean yells. The whole party went silent staring at him.

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