Chapter 7

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Caleb POV

'Please Dean get me out of this' I said to myself, I don't know how I let things get this out of control. I tried to stop Sean from getting Jacob to mind-link Damon about the fake date I lied about but, Sean was too happy about me moving on from Dean to listen. Now I'm here in Dean's house with Delilah and her twin brother Damon wanting to go home and hide under my covers.

"Yes alpha?" I said hoping he can hear the desperation in my voice. "Please stop this date from happening" I tried to mind-link Dean knowing damn well our mind-link connection broke the day he rejected me. "Lucy and ivy are back from college and they were asking for you, tomorrow we're hosting a brunch and they requested that you be there." He said still staring at the arm Damon has over my shoulder, I'm praying he freaks out with jealousy and demand that I go home.

"Oh honey, you didn't tell me we were hosting brunch tomorrow. Damon and I had plans to visit our home pack to pay our respect." Delilah says trying to get Dean's attention.

"I already promised Lucy, she's looking forward to brunch, do you need me to come with you tomorrow?" Dean asked finally looking at her.                                

"No I guess not, then Damon I need you to stay over tonight instead of you going back to the city since Dean won't be able to drive me tomorrow," Delilah told her brother sweetly. I tried to hold back the vomit in my throat when Damon moved his hand down my lower back. his hand is right above my ass! Why can't I just die right now?

" the place I wanted to bring Caleb was in the city I can't make two trips in one day," Damon said looking frustrated.

"Well, how were you going to get Caleb home?" Dean asked, I didn't even notice, how was I going to get back home?

"I was going to bring him back home tomorrow when I met up with you guys to go to our pack lands," Damon said completely unfazed by everyone staring at him like the madman he was. He must have lost his damn mind if he thought we were going to sleep together on the first date!

"Why is everyone just staring at me?" Damon asked dumbfounded as to what he just implied. "It's fine we can do this another day, I wasn't aware you planned for me to stay over at your place, I didn't even pack an overnight bag or anything," I said trying to politely let him down, without me cursing him out in front of his sister and my mate.

"Oh, now I get why you guys are looking at me like that haha, no nothing like that was going to happen!" Damon said in between laughs. I wish I had his sense of humor.

"Sorry if I implied that anything of the sort was going to happen I am a gentleman, I know about a small omega bar in the city, a friend of mine owns it, I didn't want to have to drive us back, I have an extra bedroom or I could've got him a hotel for the night. But you are right Caleb I wasn't thinking I should've asked you first to give you some time to prepare."

"It's fine and your right I would have loved to meet some omegas my age, the omegas in the pack are either too old or too young for me to socialize with, but we can reschedule," I said with a smile on my face knowing damn well I wasn't going to reschedule.

"Yes, well how about we reschedule the bar scene but I could still take you to dinner In town, it won't be a grand first date but it'll do," Damon said pulling out his phone probably trying to make reservations for the only good restaurant in town.

When did this become a real date? I lied to Caleb about this being a date, Damon only asked me to have a conversation with him, not have a date with him.

"You guys could just eat here with me and Dean." Delilah offered. Oh hell no I'm not about to eat a meal right across from my mate and his fiancée.

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