chapter 111

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"how was your day Riley" Sebastian asked as they sat down to eat.

Riley had gotten home only minutes ago, Lucas was not happy about it and Noah was less then impressed, whilst Sebastian wasnt bothered in the slightest.

"It was good" Riley then proceeded to tell her brothers everything that she had done today, focusing on what she had done with her friends.

Lucas violently stabbed the food on the plate that he was eating. He didn't like hearing about Blake.

Noah rolled his eyes at Lucas'behaviour.

"I don't see why you are both okay with this, she's just a kid" Lucas stated.

"Well she's not a kid anymore" Noah said.

All the brothers didn't want to admit it but she was growing up.

"She's 15, of course she's a kid" Lucas exclaimed.

"Guys enough argueing. Riley has friends like any other kid" Sebastian ordered

"But Blake" Lucas tried.

"They are just friends, drop it" Sebastian said in a much more authoritive tone.

His siblings shut up after that. They didn't want to go against him. Why would they? Sebastians word was final, especially when he used that tone. No one ever went against him. No one who valued their life that is.

Later that night everyone was asleep, well Noah and Lucas were. Sebastian was up, he couldn't sleep as his thoughts were getting darker by the second.

Riley didn't dare close her eyes out of fear of another nightmare.

She decided to go see if Sebastian was up, and so she went and knocked on his door.

"One second" Sebastian called, he did his best to snap out of the head space. "Come in" he called and Riley walked in.

"Nightmare?" Sebastian asked putting his problems at the back of his mind. Riley was more important.

"No. I'm afraid to sleep"

Sebastian understood and lifted the duvet up for her to join him. She did so without hesitation.

"Do you want to talk about it" Sebastian asked not liking the idea of her keeping things to herself.

"Just I always have nightmares, I don't want to go back to them" Riley whispered.
"You know everything he did, it was wrong and you are not to blame right" Sebastian said.

"But I should have been more considerate, he was grieving too" Riley said.

Sebastians expression changed into anger. He hated that man so much. "No. Don't say that, maybe he was grieving but that was no excuse for what he did to you. I saw that room Riley, nothing you could have done could excuse that. You deserved so much more"

Riley had tears running down her face as she hugged him.

Without them even realising, night time had become a time for them to have relatively deep talks.

"You're safe now" Sebastian promised.

Riley smiled as she rested her head against Sebastian.

"Are we okay again" Riley dared to ask.

"That all depends on you Riley. I would love for us to be okay but what I did was unforgivable" Sebastian couldn't help but automatically tighten his hug.

"I think we are. He made you do it, it wasn't your choice"

Kevin made me do stuff too

She didn't dare tell Sebastian that though so she kept her thoughts to herself.

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